I started the One in a million study I was given by a freind, and it has really hit home with me. Wow. God really knows what we need. Week one is titled Shackle Free as I open to read the 1st part I see an elephant standing on a small ball, ??? As I read Priscilla tells a story about taking her children to a circus, they wanted to see the elephants more than anything. As she gazed at them she noticed they were behind a tiny fence, chained to a ball. Both of which the elephants could easily take down or drag around. Her 3 yr. old ask "Why doesn't that big old elephant tear down the fence & escape to freedom?" Then her question became "Why don't the people of God, who can tap into so much devine power, break through the barriers that keep us from experiencing an abundant relationship with Him? Why do we hesitate to push through to freedom and abundant life? Identifying that which keeps us from entering into a powerful and life altering relationship with God will help determine how to over come our bonds. The elephant couldn't break through the fence until he gained freedom from the chain.
OT pics. foreshadowing NT realities:
Egypt-life of bondage to sin
Moses-Jesus Christ
Cannan-abundant life in Christ
As I read the above scripture I saw myself in the same conditions the Israelites faced in bondage, but for me it's spiritually. I could personally relate to the phrases, such as how the taskmasters were over them to afflict them with hard labor, serve with rigor & made thier lives bitter with hard bondage. Taskmasters have been assigned to us, knowing our strengths and weaknesses. Burdening each of us to the point where we no longer feel passionate about being people of God. He desires to convence us that our freedom in Christ is a dream. In Heb. 12:1 this passage says "the" sin, it's a specific and personal affliction that is unique to you.
She writes about the curse of origional sin. Rom. 5:12, Gen. 3 Adam & Eves..saying just as Adam & Eve forfeited the place of utmost fulfillment and abundance, all those who refuse to pursue freedom from the curse of sin forfeit the place of "milk & honey"-fulfillment, freedom, satisfaction, contentment and overwhelming joy.
Moses became a powerful symbol of God's grace. Only one can unshackle us from the curse and consequences of origional sin. We are bound to soul slavery should we ignore God's untimate deliverer: Jesus Christ. Then she refers to Rom. 10:9 and has a prayer.
I rededicated my life to the Lord at Free Chapel in Gainsville, Ga December 26, 2009. Since then the Lord has shown me so much and is growing me in Him. I have come to realize He desires to work on me and get me through some things I need to deal with...things that I had just swept under the rug and ignored, because I don't know how to deal with them. Things & feeling I relive on a daily basis sometimes.
The next paragraph of the book is entitled, get ready for this....THE MIND GAME. I can feel the chain around my leg now! She says "living in freedom depends on our response to the devils mind games." He makes us feel hopeless. It's not long before we give up on the idea of really experiencing God in our lives. We begin thinking liberty from lifes messes is more fiction than fact. Before we know it we are more and more entangled in a web that is slowly takin the life out of us. She says the enemies plan is to keep you in his web so you can never journey toward the soul-cleansing freedom the Lord has for you...exactly right. As I read this I can relate and really understand and relate to what is going on with me. Tonite end by offering youself to the Lord & honestly expose your rebellion, discouragement, and fatigue to the Lord.
My Prayer:
Lord I offer myself to you...all of me & every situation in my life. Clean me up & use me up in your Kingdom for your Glory. I have given you things & taken them back, in effort to try & fix things on my own for lack of faith and or fear. I know that I myself can't fix any of these issues/problems, yet in trying I have become discouraged...I get impatient when I hand it to you and things don't seem to happen fast enough or I don't see any progress or things seem to be getting worse. Insted of trusting in you and your timming I get discouraged and take this stuff back...I act wrong, say bad or wrong things. I get angry, bitter & sad. Ofen making the situation worse I imagine. Lord, I am so sorry...I am so tired, worn out, discouraged & depressed. If I had to discribe myself in one word right now it would be BROKEN! I feel so broken, I just don't know how much more I can take, yet I know you won't put more on me than I can bear. Lord I trust you & I believe your word and promises, yet I act like I don't. I am sorry, I know you forgive me & I know we'll get through this. Please help me to be patient and find peace in these situations while trusting in you, Jesus. I do not want to take these things back & try to handle them. I can truely understand Rom. 7:15 &19...For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do not; but what I hate, that I do. For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do. I don't want to take these things back, they are a weakness or stronghold/bandage. Lord I know & believe that Jesus died so I could live and be free. I am believing in Jesuses blood for my deliverence and freedom...for my life to be lived more abundantly for you Lord. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
Scriptures I read about my problem...
1 John 1:8; Romans 6:4,7:17-18, 7:20, 7:23 &25, 8:3, 8:15; Math. 11:28; Gal. 5:17; Php. 3:12; Heb. 9:4; 2 Cor. 4:16; Eph. 3:16 and 1 Peter 3:4
Some of this is my opinion and view of myself and mylife...some is from Pricilla Shirer's study, One in a million.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Day 21 & 22
On the final day of the fast we are reminded to:
*find someone and share your experience with that person.
*replinish yourself with liquids and prepare to ease back into solid food on the 22nd day.
*be thankful and rejoice.
*write your feelings in your prayer journal.
*anticipation increases regarding what the Lord is doing in your life.
*on this final day, ask the Lord to reveal to you if there is any unforgiveness, bitterness, or toher hinderences that you ahve yet to lay fully before Him.
*prepare for, blessing, harvest, and an anointing like you have never experienced before.
*get ready because the rest of this year will not be like any other before it (O:
Prayer focus: Spirit of Prayer for the Holy Spirit to Fall
Pastor Franklin says thier is a difference between wanting a drink and being thirsty. When you're thirsty, everything in you says " I've got to have it." And when you get thirsty, the Lord will pour out His Spirit. So focus your prayers today on a spirit of prayer to be released in churches and homes across this land, prayer that God will pour out His Holy Spirit and revive us again!
Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of glory of God. And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perserverence; and perserverence, character; and character, hope. Romans 5:1-4
12 steps to victory: The battles will rage on after you have completed the fast. Some things you lay hold of during the fast will require further diligence to see victory.
1. Make it hard on God and easy on you. Take the preasure off yourself to make things happen because that's God's job(Matt.11:28; John 5:40; 6:29)
2. Keep swinging. Don't settle for partial victory (2Tim. 4:7-8)
3. God says, When you approach a doo that is very large, don't fear bec. I will open it. When God opens the door, no man can shut it(Rev. 3:7-8)
4. Don't move in the dark. If you don't know God's will, don't move(Psa.46:10; Exod.14:13; ruth 3:18)
5. Be strong and very courageous. If you lack courage, pray(Phil.4:6-7)
6. Don't do anything until you ask the Lord 1st. He will give you a clear word(Eph.2:10)
7. Don't ask how much it costs; ask God if He wants it done. If so, He'll take care of the cost(2Cor.9:8; 3John 2)
8. Be patient. God loves the last minute save! "Whoever believes won't act hastily:(Isa.28:16)
9. Don't stick to sensible methods. If the Lord tells you to do something, do it.(Prov.3:5-6; Isa.25:3-4)
10. Practice the John the Baptist factor: "He must increase, but I must decrease:(John3:30; Phil. 1:21)
11. Look out! You haven't seen anything yet when you mix faith with the Word of God(Hab.2:4; Rom. 10:17)
12. P-U-S-H: Pray until something happens or praise until something happens(Psa.149; 2 Chr. 20:21-22; Heb. 13:15)
I was at my mom's again this weekend & wasn't able to share day 21 on day 21, but this isn't the end for me. In the begining the Lord laid it on my heart to go on for 40 day fast. I won't be eating meat or sweets. I felt the Lord tugging at my heart & I know he is wanting to do a work in me. As the paragraph above says there will be struggles/battles after the fast. My struggles are mainly in my mind and I need the Lord to guide me in healing and out of bondages. This 40 day fast he laid on my heart and I know I am on my way to a new mind (O: He has ask me to make certian changes in my life like making time to exersize, eating right, studying His word and focusing on Him. I tend to have times of happiness then slide into depression for a while. Life has been a roller coaster ride for me, alot of ups and downs. I spend alot of time thinking or looking at how big a situation or problem looks, insted of remembering what a BIG God I serve. I need to keep my mind on the Lord and be in peace with Him. Thou will keep me in perfect peace when my mind is stayed on you. That is my goal, to keep my mind on Him. Now, since our Pastor's book is for the 21 day fast, I will be starting a Bible study by Pricilla Shirer called One in a million. This Bible study was given to me by a good friend from Cowboy Church, a sister in Christ...thank you Terri. I can't wait to begin this journey. Thank you for all your support and love.
*find someone and share your experience with that person.
*replinish yourself with liquids and prepare to ease back into solid food on the 22nd day.
*be thankful and rejoice.
*write your feelings in your prayer journal.
*anticipation increases regarding what the Lord is doing in your life.
*on this final day, ask the Lord to reveal to you if there is any unforgiveness, bitterness, or toher hinderences that you ahve yet to lay fully before Him.
*prepare for, blessing, harvest, and an anointing like you have never experienced before.
*get ready because the rest of this year will not be like any other before it (O:
Prayer focus: Spirit of Prayer for the Holy Spirit to Fall
Pastor Franklin says thier is a difference between wanting a drink and being thirsty. When you're thirsty, everything in you says " I've got to have it." And when you get thirsty, the Lord will pour out His Spirit. So focus your prayers today on a spirit of prayer to be released in churches and homes across this land, prayer that God will pour out His Holy Spirit and revive us again!
Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of glory of God. And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perserverence; and perserverence, character; and character, hope. Romans 5:1-4
12 steps to victory: The battles will rage on after you have completed the fast. Some things you lay hold of during the fast will require further diligence to see victory.
1. Make it hard on God and easy on you. Take the preasure off yourself to make things happen because that's God's job(Matt.11:28; John 5:40; 6:29)
2. Keep swinging. Don't settle for partial victory (2Tim. 4:7-8)
3. God says, When you approach a doo that is very large, don't fear bec. I will open it. When God opens the door, no man can shut it(Rev. 3:7-8)
4. Don't move in the dark. If you don't know God's will, don't move(Psa.46:10; Exod.14:13; ruth 3:18)
5. Be strong and very courageous. If you lack courage, pray(Phil.4:6-7)
6. Don't do anything until you ask the Lord 1st. He will give you a clear word(Eph.2:10)
7. Don't ask how much it costs; ask God if He wants it done. If so, He'll take care of the cost(2Cor.9:8; 3John 2)
8. Be patient. God loves the last minute save! "Whoever believes won't act hastily:(Isa.28:16)
9. Don't stick to sensible methods. If the Lord tells you to do something, do it.(Prov.3:5-6; Isa.25:3-4)
10. Practice the John the Baptist factor: "He must increase, but I must decrease:(John3:30; Phil. 1:21)
11. Look out! You haven't seen anything yet when you mix faith with the Word of God(Hab.2:4; Rom. 10:17)
12. P-U-S-H: Pray until something happens or praise until something happens(Psa.149; 2 Chr. 20:21-22; Heb. 13:15)
I was at my mom's again this weekend & wasn't able to share day 21 on day 21, but this isn't the end for me. In the begining the Lord laid it on my heart to go on for 40 day fast. I won't be eating meat or sweets. I felt the Lord tugging at my heart & I know he is wanting to do a work in me. As the paragraph above says there will be struggles/battles after the fast. My struggles are mainly in my mind and I need the Lord to guide me in healing and out of bondages. This 40 day fast he laid on my heart and I know I am on my way to a new mind (O: He has ask me to make certian changes in my life like making time to exersize, eating right, studying His word and focusing on Him. I tend to have times of happiness then slide into depression for a while. Life has been a roller coaster ride for me, alot of ups and downs. I spend alot of time thinking or looking at how big a situation or problem looks, insted of remembering what a BIG God I serve. I need to keep my mind on the Lord and be in peace with Him. Thou will keep me in perfect peace when my mind is stayed on you. That is my goal, to keep my mind on Him. Now, since our Pastor's book is for the 21 day fast, I will be starting a Bible study by Pricilla Shirer called One in a million. This Bible study was given to me by a good friend from Cowboy Church, a sister in Christ...thank you Terri. I can't wait to begin this journey. Thank you for all your support and love.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Day 20
The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light, and upon those who sat in the region and shadow or death Light has dawned. Matthew 4:16
Journal Thoughts: Take some time today and go back to read your journal entries from the start of the fast to this twentieth day.
What do your journal entries tell you about your own personal journey these last three weeks?
Take a moment & journal about the breakthroughs you have experienced or key things the Lord has shown you during the fast. Spend time in prayer and thanksgiving.
Looking back over the past journal entries I see that if we are looking for the Lord in everything we will see Him in everything. Even sadness & disappointment. I want to take every moment captive and use it as a learning experience in growing in the Lord. In Hosea 4:6 it says..my people are distroyed for lack of knowledge. I am seeking wisdom, knowledge, understanding and direction from the Lord for my life and my family. I am in a process, seeking the Lord and listening for His voice and guidance in all I do. He knows my hearts desires and He knows me better than I do, so I trust that His way is the right way. Isa. 55:9 says "As the havens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."
Prayer Focus: Laborers into the Harvest Field...journal says:
God said, "Ask of Me, and I will give you the nations for Your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for Your possesion (Psa.2:8). Jesus told us, "Ask the Lord of the harvest, therfore, to send out workers into his harvest field"(Matt. 9:38). Focus your prayers today on these 2 key instructions from heaven. Cry out for the lost and the hurting, the poor, the addicted. Ask Him to send missionaries, ambassadors of His Word, into the earth.
Lord, I pray and call all your laborers into the harvest field. Those who are or aren't saved. You know each individual person and thier calling. I pray people will seek your will for themselves and thier families, as do I right now. I pray you will use me and my family to our fullest for you. I thank you for all the laborers already working in the field, especially those working with our youth. They need to see people on fire for the Lord. I praise & thank you in Jesus name, Amen.
Journal Thoughts: Take some time today and go back to read your journal entries from the start of the fast to this twentieth day.
What do your journal entries tell you about your own personal journey these last three weeks?
Take a moment & journal about the breakthroughs you have experienced or key things the Lord has shown you during the fast. Spend time in prayer and thanksgiving.
Looking back over the past journal entries I see that if we are looking for the Lord in everything we will see Him in everything. Even sadness & disappointment. I want to take every moment captive and use it as a learning experience in growing in the Lord. In Hosea 4:6 it says..my people are distroyed for lack of knowledge. I am seeking wisdom, knowledge, understanding and direction from the Lord for my life and my family. I am in a process, seeking the Lord and listening for His voice and guidance in all I do. He knows my hearts desires and He knows me better than I do, so I trust that His way is the right way. Isa. 55:9 says "As the havens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."
Prayer Focus: Laborers into the Harvest Field...journal says:
God said, "Ask of Me, and I will give you the nations for Your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for Your possesion (Psa.2:8). Jesus told us, "Ask the Lord of the harvest, therfore, to send out workers into his harvest field"(Matt. 9:38). Focus your prayers today on these 2 key instructions from heaven. Cry out for the lost and the hurting, the poor, the addicted. Ask Him to send missionaries, ambassadors of His Word, into the earth.
Lord, I pray and call all your laborers into the harvest field. Those who are or aren't saved. You know each individual person and thier calling. I pray people will seek your will for themselves and thier families, as do I right now. I pray you will use me and my family to our fullest for you. I thank you for all the laborers already working in the field, especially those working with our youth. They need to see people on fire for the Lord. I praise & thank you in Jesus name, Amen.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Day 19
Thoughts: Consider what you would be willing to shre with others today. How you would articualte your experience, and what it has meant to you in terms of your relationship with God?
I would like to say I would share all I know with others, but I know myself to well. When writing I can say about anything, but when it comes to speaking I tend to shrink and forget all. I lack boldness in speaking, but not in writing. Yah crazy I know, I don't really understand it myself. I have never been comfortible front and center. I would rather just kinda sit in the shadows where it is safe & thier is no conflict. I can tell you this though, the Lord is working in me and I pray He changes that about me. I want to be comfortable sharing Him with others and do it boldly. I don't want to be the ball of nerves student I was in school, rocking back in forth in my spot, nerviously sweating while sharing my report. My greatest fear is misrepresenting the Lord in some way. Saying or doing something wrong, yet I know I am an imperfect human & I will never be perfect. I guess you could say I am fearful of all the judgemental people in the world, not excluding myself of coarse. I certainly don't desire to expose all of myself(flaws and all) to them, in fear of judgement. As I write these blogs I do so as the Lord reveals this stuff to me. This is a blog of my journey with the Lord during my fast seeking the Lord. What I am writing is my God speaking to me showing me things I must trust in Him for and work on also.
Prayer Focus: Revival
Tonite I will be sharing a bit of what is in our journal & praying for revival in churches, homes, relationships, families and His temples....
Revival is when Earth is attacked by heaven. Revival is an swesome move of God that affects you in powerful ways. Revival is when you get closer to heaven than you are to anything on Earth. We need revival in America. We need Heaven to touch Earth with power. So, as you near the end of your fast, pray for revival. Ask God to send the rain of His Spirit on the land to break up the hardned hearts and bring forth a harvest of souls. Cry out for it as a desperate man crying out for water in the dessert. Our young people need revival.
I spent the begining of my day writing about what I consider my top 5 hurtful/painful memories (a thank you to my small group leaders). From these top 5, stem a list longer than I can name, but I am moving trusting the Lord to lead and guuide me through it all into my destiny. I may not be an over nite change, but I know change is in store for me. The Lord has spoken to me on a few occassions with some direction about some changes & additions I need to make in my daily life routines. I would like to say I am perfect & have stuck to everything like a military soldier, but I'm not gonna lie. I am trying and making effort, I know He see's me and isn't surprized, angry or disappionted, but glad and proud...becuse if you could see me in the shape He's seen me, you'd know it's improvement and I believe He takes pride in us seeking Him and making all the effort we can to get out of our pits. Sometimes he just wants to see us move toward Him, even if it's just a tiny bit. All I want is the Lord, because I know that He's the one who can help me with or through anything.
Thank You Jesus for your percious blood.
I would like to say I would share all I know with others, but I know myself to well. When writing I can say about anything, but when it comes to speaking I tend to shrink and forget all. I lack boldness in speaking, but not in writing. Yah crazy I know, I don't really understand it myself. I have never been comfortible front and center. I would rather just kinda sit in the shadows where it is safe & thier is no conflict. I can tell you this though, the Lord is working in me and I pray He changes that about me. I want to be comfortable sharing Him with others and do it boldly. I don't want to be the ball of nerves student I was in school, rocking back in forth in my spot, nerviously sweating while sharing my report. My greatest fear is misrepresenting the Lord in some way. Saying or doing something wrong, yet I know I am an imperfect human & I will never be perfect. I guess you could say I am fearful of all the judgemental people in the world, not excluding myself of coarse. I certainly don't desire to expose all of myself(flaws and all) to them, in fear of judgement. As I write these blogs I do so as the Lord reveals this stuff to me. This is a blog of my journey with the Lord during my fast seeking the Lord. What I am writing is my God speaking to me showing me things I must trust in Him for and work on also.
Prayer Focus: Revival
Tonite I will be sharing a bit of what is in our journal & praying for revival in churches, homes, relationships, families and His temples....
Revival is when Earth is attacked by heaven. Revival is an swesome move of God that affects you in powerful ways. Revival is when you get closer to heaven than you are to anything on Earth. We need revival in America. We need Heaven to touch Earth with power. So, as you near the end of your fast, pray for revival. Ask God to send the rain of His Spirit on the land to break up the hardned hearts and bring forth a harvest of souls. Cry out for it as a desperate man crying out for water in the dessert. Our young people need revival.
I spent the begining of my day writing about what I consider my top 5 hurtful/painful memories (a thank you to my small group leaders). From these top 5, stem a list longer than I can name, but I am moving trusting the Lord to lead and guuide me through it all into my destiny. I may not be an over nite change, but I know change is in store for me. The Lord has spoken to me on a few occassions with some direction about some changes & additions I need to make in my daily life routines. I would like to say I am perfect & have stuck to everything like a military soldier, but I'm not gonna lie. I am trying and making effort, I know He see's me and isn't surprized, angry or disappionted, but glad and proud...becuse if you could see me in the shape He's seen me, you'd know it's improvement and I believe He takes pride in us seeking Him and making all the effort we can to get out of our pits. Sometimes he just wants to see us move toward Him, even if it's just a tiny bit. All I want is the Lord, because I know that He's the one who can help me with or through anything.
Thank You Jesus for your percious blood.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Day 18
Yep, it's early & I am writting becuse I am about to burst. I was going to just write about some of the things the Lord has been dealing with me about so far today, then I went ahead & picked up my Fasting Journal and about came out of my seat.
My thoughts thus far today: I am in the process of dealing with hurt, anger & unforgiveness that I have swept under the rug for years. In realizing that this stuff has remained under the rug yet still in my mind, I have come to understand that just becasue you hide it, it doesn't mean that it isn't there...all the hurt, pain & memories rise ocassionally and cause me relive these things. When this happens I literally relive in my life the hurt & pain, the feelings resurface and I withdraw. I am sick and tired of the devil having this strong hold on me. It's as if he is ridding my back like a monkey. I have said I give these things to God and yet they still surface. I am sick of sitting back idlely and letting the devil attack me over and over...I just see him now sitting back laughing at me yet again, because his evil tricks I keep falling for. I am not saying I am going to fix this myself, but I am saying thier is a difference in giving up and giving something to the Lord. I feel like I have given up..just sitting back waiting on God to do something. I have given this stuff to the Lord, but I feel as if I may have just given up and sat back seeing all the spiritual warfare going on in my house/temple(myself & marrige) just waiting on Him fight my demons and just put a stop to everything all the sudden & one day it'll just be over. I have given up fighting, I see things not getting better, but worse and I have to admit..I have wanted to give up at times, I guess you could say in a way I have. Since I have just laid back & let the devil ride me like a monkey...I am so mad that I let myself do that again, if the devil is gonna be ridding my back I don't want it to be easy for him, I should be fighting back with all I have...I should be a wild bull, flopping him around like a rag doll bullrider at a rodeo. If I am not doing what the Lord has ask me to do then I am working against Him, insted of with Him. He tells me to put on the full armor of God, to seek Him and I will find Him, I will find His strength in my weakness, He is my strength and my shield. I am clenging to this verse Math. 11:23 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. This is Jesuses words. It is time for me to take some action as my faith is stayed in Him and speak the Word to my mountains in prayer, praise & worship, and speech. Watch out, thier will be no more monkies riding my back, long trem. You may see a ragdoll flopping around now and then, but it is time to deal with this stuff insted of sweeping it under the rug and letting it hitch a ride in my mind and emotions. I will be fighting the good fight of faith (O:
Now for the Journal-
Thoughts for your journal: Examine any areas of unforgiveness & bitterness that the Lord is aking you to surrender to Him.
Yah, I know rite...I have been examining all morning and the Lord had to show me what was up with me...wake up call!
Prayer Focus for the day: Binding Opression and Fear, no coincidence hugh? Wow God can just slap you in the face sometimes. I am just thankful to have His guidance and correction.
Prov. 22:15 Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.
Job 5:17 Behold, happy is the man whom God correcteth: therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty: Pro 3:11 My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be weary of his correction.
Heb 12:7 If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?
Heb 12:11 Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby.
2Ti 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
Written in our Journal, this stood out to me most of all: There may be times in your life when your enemies or circumstances seem to be so large and so powerful that they are all you can see. When you magnify the Lord, you shrink the supposed power of your enemy, the devil.
Psa. 34:3-4 O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together. I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.
My thoughts thus far today: I am in the process of dealing with hurt, anger & unforgiveness that I have swept under the rug for years. In realizing that this stuff has remained under the rug yet still in my mind, I have come to understand that just becasue you hide it, it doesn't mean that it isn't there...all the hurt, pain & memories rise ocassionally and cause me relive these things. When this happens I literally relive in my life the hurt & pain, the feelings resurface and I withdraw. I am sick and tired of the devil having this strong hold on me. It's as if he is ridding my back like a monkey. I have said I give these things to God and yet they still surface. I am sick of sitting back idlely and letting the devil attack me over and over...I just see him now sitting back laughing at me yet again, because his evil tricks I keep falling for. I am not saying I am going to fix this myself, but I am saying thier is a difference in giving up and giving something to the Lord. I feel like I have given up..just sitting back waiting on God to do something. I have given this stuff to the Lord, but I feel as if I may have just given up and sat back seeing all the spiritual warfare going on in my house/temple(myself & marrige) just waiting on Him fight my demons and just put a stop to everything all the sudden & one day it'll just be over. I have given up fighting, I see things not getting better, but worse and I have to admit..I have wanted to give up at times, I guess you could say in a way I have. Since I have just laid back & let the devil ride me like a monkey...I am so mad that I let myself do that again, if the devil is gonna be ridding my back I don't want it to be easy for him, I should be fighting back with all I have...I should be a wild bull, flopping him around like a rag doll bullrider at a rodeo. If I am not doing what the Lord has ask me to do then I am working against Him, insted of with Him. He tells me to put on the full armor of God, to seek Him and I will find Him, I will find His strength in my weakness, He is my strength and my shield. I am clenging to this verse Math. 11:23 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. This is Jesuses words. It is time for me to take some action as my faith is stayed in Him and speak the Word to my mountains in prayer, praise & worship, and speech. Watch out, thier will be no more monkies riding my back, long trem. You may see a ragdoll flopping around now and then, but it is time to deal with this stuff insted of sweeping it under the rug and letting it hitch a ride in my mind and emotions. I will be fighting the good fight of faith (O:
Now for the Journal-
Thoughts for your journal: Examine any areas of unforgiveness & bitterness that the Lord is aking you to surrender to Him.
Yah, I know rite...I have been examining all morning and the Lord had to show me what was up with me...wake up call!
Prayer Focus for the day: Binding Opression and Fear, no coincidence hugh? Wow God can just slap you in the face sometimes. I am just thankful to have His guidance and correction.
Prov. 22:15 Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.
Job 5:17 Behold, happy is the man whom God correcteth: therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty: Pro 3:11 My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be weary of his correction.
Heb 12:7 If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?
Heb 12:11 Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby.
2Ti 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
Written in our Journal, this stood out to me most of all: There may be times in your life when your enemies or circumstances seem to be so large and so powerful that they are all you can see. When you magnify the Lord, you shrink the supposed power of your enemy, the devil.
Psa. 34:3-4 O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together. I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Day 17
Heb. 11:1 "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
Heb. 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
Thoughts for your journal: Reflect on those situations from God's Word that seemed impossible but for the power of God.
What situations in your life seem impossible and need God's touch?
Some of my favorites in the Bible where things looked impossible, but for the power of God :
* Daniel in the lions den * David & Goliath(Eli's favorite) * the woman w/ the issue of blood
* Mary's virgin birth(Jesus) * Queen Esther * Lazarus
Things in my life that need God's touch are my marrige, relationship with my kids, my mind and we would like to be in a position to be able to give more & help people the Lord puts on our heart. We want to make a difference and we want to be all we can be in Christ.
Prayer Focus: Mentors and Decipleship
Mentors are invaluable when they are from the Lord. Pray that God will bring right relationships into your life...fathers & mothers in faith who can build you up.
Eph. 4:11-13 It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelests, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.
Lord I thank you for the mentors you have placed in our life already and for any that aren't known yet. You have brought Godly people into our lives already and I thank you for them...family, friends, and sometimes even the perfect strangers we run into or see (I have had the Lord speak to me in a Laundry matt, while speaking a few words to a stranger, God uses everyone). Thank you for each and every Godly person you have placed in our lives...I pray that you will also do the same for our children. Keep them & guide them in all they do. Let them KNOW you, not know about you not that knowing your word is bad...it isn't when you know how to use it, but I believe it is most important for us to have an imtimate relationship with you and really KNOW you. I want this for us & our children. Thank you for being such a loving God & not giving up on us...I know you are working in our life, I can see it and I am greatful. Thank You & I love you. In Jesus name, Amen.
Scriptures on knowing the Lord:
* Jeremiah 9:6 Thine habitation is in the midst of deceit; through deceit they refuse to know me, saith the Lord.
* Isa. 43:10 Ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me and understand that I am he: before me thier was no God formed, nither shall thier be after me.
* John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them and they follow me:
* John 10:14 I am the good shepherd and know my sheep, and am known of mine.
* Hosea 2:20 I will even betroth thee unto me in faithfulness: and thou shalt know the Lord.
* John 14:20 At that day you shall know that I am in my father, and ye in me, and I in you.
* John 15:21 But all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake, because they know NOT him that sent me.
* Heb. 8:11 * Isa. 58:2 * Jer. 31:34 * Eze. 20:20 * Hos. 2:20 * John 7:29 *John 8:19
* John 14:7 * Heb. 10:30
-It takes time and effort to get to know someone...especially if you want a relationship with them (O:
Heb. 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
Thoughts for your journal: Reflect on those situations from God's Word that seemed impossible but for the power of God.
What situations in your life seem impossible and need God's touch?
Some of my favorites in the Bible where things looked impossible, but for the power of God :
* Daniel in the lions den * David & Goliath(Eli's favorite) * the woman w/ the issue of blood
* Mary's virgin birth(Jesus) * Queen Esther * Lazarus
Things in my life that need God's touch are my marrige, relationship with my kids, my mind and we would like to be in a position to be able to give more & help people the Lord puts on our heart. We want to make a difference and we want to be all we can be in Christ.
Prayer Focus: Mentors and Decipleship
Mentors are invaluable when they are from the Lord. Pray that God will bring right relationships into your life...fathers & mothers in faith who can build you up.
Eph. 4:11-13 It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelests, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.
Lord I thank you for the mentors you have placed in our life already and for any that aren't known yet. You have brought Godly people into our lives already and I thank you for them...family, friends, and sometimes even the perfect strangers we run into or see (I have had the Lord speak to me in a Laundry matt, while speaking a few words to a stranger, God uses everyone). Thank you for each and every Godly person you have placed in our lives...I pray that you will also do the same for our children. Keep them & guide them in all they do. Let them KNOW you, not know about you not that knowing your word is bad...it isn't when you know how to use it, but I believe it is most important for us to have an imtimate relationship with you and really KNOW you. I want this for us & our children. Thank you for being such a loving God & not giving up on us...I know you are working in our life, I can see it and I am greatful. Thank You & I love you. In Jesus name, Amen.
Scriptures on knowing the Lord:
* Jeremiah 9:6 Thine habitation is in the midst of deceit; through deceit they refuse to know me, saith the Lord.
* Isa. 43:10 Ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me and understand that I am he: before me thier was no God formed, nither shall thier be after me.
* John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them and they follow me:
* John 10:14 I am the good shepherd and know my sheep, and am known of mine.
* Hosea 2:20 I will even betroth thee unto me in faithfulness: and thou shalt know the Lord.
* John 14:20 At that day you shall know that I am in my father, and ye in me, and I in you.
* John 15:21 But all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake, because they know NOT him that sent me.
* Heb. 8:11 * Isa. 58:2 * Jer. 31:34 * Eze. 20:20 * Hos. 2:20 * John 7:29 *John 8:19
* John 14:7 * Heb. 10:30
-It takes time and effort to get to know someone...especially if you want a relationship with them (O:
Monday, January 24, 2011
Day 16
The discipline of fasting breaks you out of the worlds routine. It is a form of worship-offering your body to God as a living sacrafice is holy & pleasing to God. Romans 12:1
Thoughts: Remember to stay the course. Write out you thoughts on how you can contenue to present your body as a living sacrafice, and see if the Lord doen not open up the windows of heaven to you & shower you with His presence.
Fasting is a form of worship that will humble you. Remind yourself of your dependency on God.
I have one verse that is sitting right in front of me that sums up how I can contenue to present my body as a living sacrafice...Matthew 16:24 Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me." Every day is a choice. We get to choose each day, what we are going to do, what we are going to think about, or who we will serve. I am choosing to serve my Lord who died for us all to be free from anger, burt, bitterness, jelousy, etc...I am not perfect or blemish free, but I am staying faithful to my God because I know He is the way, the truth and the light. He is working in me, I know it and I can feel it. I depend on Him daily, because I have tried for years to fix myself and situations in my life and have yet to be able to do it. I am a broken mess...trusting my maker to put me back together and make me whole again(whole, not perfect). I am a contenual work in progress. Not because I diserve it, but because God loves us just as we are and He wants us to come to Him, admit we are broken, seek Him and trust Him for all we need.
Prayer Focus: Personal Ministry
Abraham could "hear" God and believed what he heard. He came to a place of denouncing the comfort zone he lived in, in order to follow God's leading. He had the courage to follow God's direction for his life. He had a the tenacity to focus on the promises and not the problems that stood in his way. So, on this day of the fast, I encourage you to pray and seek God about His purpose and plan for your life, your ministry unto Him. -J. Franklin Fasting Journal
Lord I pray that I will be bold. I want to be like Abraham. I want your purpose, plan and direction for my life. I thank you for leading & guiding me to the people and places you have, I know you will contenue directing our footsteps & I thank you for all you have done thus far & what you have planned for the future. In Jesus name, Amen.
Thoughts: Remember to stay the course. Write out you thoughts on how you can contenue to present your body as a living sacrafice, and see if the Lord doen not open up the windows of heaven to you & shower you with His presence.
Fasting is a form of worship that will humble you. Remind yourself of your dependency on God.
I have one verse that is sitting right in front of me that sums up how I can contenue to present my body as a living sacrafice...Matthew 16:24 Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me." Every day is a choice. We get to choose each day, what we are going to do, what we are going to think about, or who we will serve. I am choosing to serve my Lord who died for us all to be free from anger, burt, bitterness, jelousy, etc...I am not perfect or blemish free, but I am staying faithful to my God because I know He is the way, the truth and the light. He is working in me, I know it and I can feel it. I depend on Him daily, because I have tried for years to fix myself and situations in my life and have yet to be able to do it. I am a broken mess...trusting my maker to put me back together and make me whole again(whole, not perfect). I am a contenual work in progress. Not because I diserve it, but because God loves us just as we are and He wants us to come to Him, admit we are broken, seek Him and trust Him for all we need.
Prayer Focus: Personal Ministry
Abraham could "hear" God and believed what he heard. He came to a place of denouncing the comfort zone he lived in, in order to follow God's leading. He had the courage to follow God's direction for his life. He had a the tenacity to focus on the promises and not the problems that stood in his way. So, on this day of the fast, I encourage you to pray and seek God about His purpose and plan for your life, your ministry unto Him. -J. Franklin Fasting Journal
Lord I pray that I will be bold. I want to be like Abraham. I want your purpose, plan and direction for my life. I thank you for leading & guiding me to the people and places you have, I know you will contenue directing our footsteps & I thank you for all you have done thus far & what you have planned for the future. In Jesus name, Amen.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Day 15
"When you pray....when you fast...when you give(Math 6). Not if, but when.
Thoughts: (from the fasting journal) Reflect on how worship & obedience have provided you with the opportunity for God to revfeal Himself & His purposes to you, His special servant.
Write down the details that were a concern in the begining of the fast that no longer seem of great concern.
Worship has now become an important part of life for me. Thier was a point in my life when I didn't really understand why worship was a big deal, until one day I realized that it was a point of contact for our spirits. When we praise & worship God songs release emotions & you begin feeling His presence and love for you and in return you are able to return to Him love and thanks for all His blessings. Once you really experience the love of God you desire to please Him and seek Him...to know more about this wonderful being.
In the begining of this fast I started out strong and was a little over confident....thinking I did this last year so I know this one is in the bag. Wrong..I did not remember the fast being this hard last year. It made me question whether or not I'd be able to do the 40 days I had felt led to do. I just wasn't sure that I could still be that commited. Then I remembered all the things from the prior fast and how it was sooo worth it. I saw the Lord work in so many situations. He has made me so many promises and I know he will keep them all. Thier is no doubt in my mind that my God will honor my seeking Him.
Prayer focus: Revealing Gifts(personal & spiritual)
To be honest I have no idea what my personal or spiritual gifts are. I can not possibly imagine what my contribution to His kingdom might be. I am not saying I am not worthy, but I am saying I am a broken mess. I know that the Lord is working in me and my family. I am trusting that He will reveal my gifts in his timming and I want to use them to thier fullest for His kingdom and His glory. (O:
1 Co. 12
Today church service helped me to realize that the 40 day fast I felt led to do is without a doubt from God. It is simply amazing how one can walk into a church service and it seems as if the Lord has prepared the message just for you. Down to the smallest detail. Then to have just the right people in your life at just the right times. He never ceases to amaze me. I am so thankful to be serving such an awesome God! Today has been great & for those of you in our small group reading this if you read my previous blogs you know why...it is just amazing how the Lord will speak to you and confirm things that have been on your mind during a fast. So many of the things that have been preached at Free Chapel I have written about in my blogs. We also spoke about them in small group tonite. All I can say is God is great.
My prayer for the night is that the Lord will contenue working in our lives. He has done so much for my family and I know He's not finished. I am so thankful for His direction and His wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Thier is simply nothing in this world that compares to the Lord. I pray that the Lord will use me up...to my fullest potential and use me for His kingdoms glory. I once heard someone say God gives you gifts, but what you do with those gifts is your gift to Him...so true, I want to know my gifts and share them with the world boldly for Christ. The devil has no rights to me..I am a sold out, baught by the blood of Jesus Chris follower. I will not be held back or hindered anylonger, in Jesus name...Amen!
Thoughts: (from the fasting journal) Reflect on how worship & obedience have provided you with the opportunity for God to revfeal Himself & His purposes to you, His special servant.
Write down the details that were a concern in the begining of the fast that no longer seem of great concern.
Worship has now become an important part of life for me. Thier was a point in my life when I didn't really understand why worship was a big deal, until one day I realized that it was a point of contact for our spirits. When we praise & worship God songs release emotions & you begin feeling His presence and love for you and in return you are able to return to Him love and thanks for all His blessings. Once you really experience the love of God you desire to please Him and seek Him...to know more about this wonderful being.
In the begining of this fast I started out strong and was a little over confident....thinking I did this last year so I know this one is in the bag. Wrong..I did not remember the fast being this hard last year. It made me question whether or not I'd be able to do the 40 days I had felt led to do. I just wasn't sure that I could still be that commited. Then I remembered all the things from the prior fast and how it was sooo worth it. I saw the Lord work in so many situations. He has made me so many promises and I know he will keep them all. Thier is no doubt in my mind that my God will honor my seeking Him.
Prayer focus: Revealing Gifts(personal & spiritual)
To be honest I have no idea what my personal or spiritual gifts are. I can not possibly imagine what my contribution to His kingdom might be. I am not saying I am not worthy, but I am saying I am a broken mess. I know that the Lord is working in me and my family. I am trusting that He will reveal my gifts in his timming and I want to use them to thier fullest for His kingdom and His glory. (O:
1 Co. 12
Today church service helped me to realize that the 40 day fast I felt led to do is without a doubt from God. It is simply amazing how one can walk into a church service and it seems as if the Lord has prepared the message just for you. Down to the smallest detail. Then to have just the right people in your life at just the right times. He never ceases to amaze me. I am so thankful to be serving such an awesome God! Today has been great & for those of you in our small group reading this if you read my previous blogs you know why...it is just amazing how the Lord will speak to you and confirm things that have been on your mind during a fast. So many of the things that have been preached at Free Chapel I have written about in my blogs. We also spoke about them in small group tonite. All I can say is God is great.
My prayer for the night is that the Lord will contenue working in our lives. He has done so much for my family and I know He's not finished. I am so thankful for His direction and His wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Thier is simply nothing in this world that compares to the Lord. I pray that the Lord will use me up...to my fullest potential and use me for His kingdoms glory. I once heard someone say God gives you gifts, but what you do with those gifts is your gift to Him...so true, I want to know my gifts and share them with the world boldly for Christ. The devil has no rights to me..I am a sold out, baught by the blood of Jesus Chris follower. I will not be held back or hindered anylonger, in Jesus name...Amen!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Day 14
God doesn't need our routines or savor heartless activity. He doesn't want our "leftovers." True worship that comes from our hearts feeds Him and satisfies Him; it is something He desires-and deserves. -J. Franklin
* Listen to your favorite worship CD's
* Focus on meditation and listening for God's still, small voice.
* Praise God for bringing you this far, and thank Him for His steadfast presence.
Prayer focus: Discernment
Hebrews 4:12 says " For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."
Today I wanted to take some time and learn more about myself. I wanted to see some of my faults and well I did. I am a very sensitive person. It also doesn't take much to change my mood. I am bothered easily and I tend to pull away when I feel hurt or rejected. Today I realized that I allow myself to hurt more than anything else. I would say I am a glass half empty person, yet I know that I haven't always been that way. Something has happened to me over the past 12 years. I don't remember always feeling this way. I feel like I have slowly dwendled down and transformed into a person I don't know or recognize at times. I am sure some are going to read this and think, boy..she's suppose to be a Christ follower & she's all that. Wow!! Well thier are positives, but today I choose to look at the negative. I desire to learn my weaknesses and seek the Lord in getting better and doing better. I don't wish to wollow in my pits, I desire to grow from them. The only one who can help me do that is Him. Like I said in a previos blog, I have tried it on my own and it hasn't worked, so I know for sure...I need HIM!
Well I will be the first to tell you that Christians aren't living the perfect little lives never effected by anyone or anything. We go through things just like everyone else. We have our weeknesses and faults. We are only human, we make mistakes and by no means are we perfect...we don't always act like we out to or say just the right thing. We aren't flawless and I am about tired of people acting like we are suppose to be. The only difference in a beliver and a non-believer in my opinion is that a beliver is saved by the grace of God and we recieve his mercy in our short commings(we recieve Him). I once heard it told that, what we Christians call sinners aren't actually the sinners...they have never been taught any different and are only doing what they know. Christians that read the Bible and know right from wrong, we are the sinners. That is why I believe that the alter isn't just for people to recieve/accept Christ and get saved...it is also for the sinner to cry out to the Lord for forgiveness and repent(which can be done at anytime anywhere). Which I have to do multiple times a day...ahhh what, you say...multiple times a day, yes I have made many trips down that aile to the alter just to ask the Lord to forgive me and just to LOVE or worship Him. Through out my days I hear the Lord tell me different things...to pray for someone, don't eat that, stop don't gossip or you shouldn't be doing that exc...and then I have to choose to respond and listen to Him or not...it is a choice and I do not always make the right choice. But I pray that the Lord will help me to be more obedient. I would like to say..Don't judge me God isn't through with me yet & He won't be until my time on earth is done. That goes for us all (O:
Tonite my prayer is that the Lord will help me decern the things in my life(people, places, relationships, aditudes, everyhing). Things that should go or things I should welcome in. I know that the Lord is growing me and I am thankful for such a kind, forgiving, loving, merciful heavenly Father. Nothing compares to Him. I love you Lord and I surrender all to you. Thier are times when I feel like giving up, throwing in the towel and turning the other way...when things just don't look like I think they out to or I feel your aren't working quick enough. I know though, that my thoughts aren't your thoughts and my timming isn't your timming. I am just trusting in the blood of Jesus and waiting on your promises. Because I know that you are not a God that can lie. I pray that the Lord's angels will encamp around my babies as they are on this lifes journey and that they will know you, more that I do! In Jesus precious name, AMEN!
* Listen to your favorite worship CD's
* Focus on meditation and listening for God's still, small voice.
* Praise God for bringing you this far, and thank Him for His steadfast presence.
Prayer focus: Discernment
Hebrews 4:12 says " For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."
Today I wanted to take some time and learn more about myself. I wanted to see some of my faults and well I did. I am a very sensitive person. It also doesn't take much to change my mood. I am bothered easily and I tend to pull away when I feel hurt or rejected. Today I realized that I allow myself to hurt more than anything else. I would say I am a glass half empty person, yet I know that I haven't always been that way. Something has happened to me over the past 12 years. I don't remember always feeling this way. I feel like I have slowly dwendled down and transformed into a person I don't know or recognize at times. I am sure some are going to read this and think, boy..she's suppose to be a Christ follower & she's all that. Wow!! Well thier are positives, but today I choose to look at the negative. I desire to learn my weaknesses and seek the Lord in getting better and doing better. I don't wish to wollow in my pits, I desire to grow from them. The only one who can help me do that is Him. Like I said in a previos blog, I have tried it on my own and it hasn't worked, so I know for sure...I need HIM!
Well I will be the first to tell you that Christians aren't living the perfect little lives never effected by anyone or anything. We go through things just like everyone else. We have our weeknesses and faults. We are only human, we make mistakes and by no means are we perfect...we don't always act like we out to or say just the right thing. We aren't flawless and I am about tired of people acting like we are suppose to be. The only difference in a beliver and a non-believer in my opinion is that a beliver is saved by the grace of God and we recieve his mercy in our short commings(we recieve Him). I once heard it told that, what we Christians call sinners aren't actually the sinners...they have never been taught any different and are only doing what they know. Christians that read the Bible and know right from wrong, we are the sinners. That is why I believe that the alter isn't just for people to recieve/accept Christ and get saved...it is also for the sinner to cry out to the Lord for forgiveness and repent(which can be done at anytime anywhere). Which I have to do multiple times a day...ahhh what, you say...multiple times a day, yes I have made many trips down that aile to the alter just to ask the Lord to forgive me and just to LOVE or worship Him. Through out my days I hear the Lord tell me different things...to pray for someone, don't eat that, stop don't gossip or you shouldn't be doing that exc...and then I have to choose to respond and listen to Him or not...it is a choice and I do not always make the right choice. But I pray that the Lord will help me to be more obedient. I would like to say..Don't judge me God isn't through with me yet & He won't be until my time on earth is done. That goes for us all (O:
Tonite my prayer is that the Lord will help me decern the things in my life(people, places, relationships, aditudes, everyhing). Things that should go or things I should welcome in. I know that the Lord is growing me and I am thankful for such a kind, forgiving, loving, merciful heavenly Father. Nothing compares to Him. I love you Lord and I surrender all to you. Thier are times when I feel like giving up, throwing in the towel and turning the other way...when things just don't look like I think they out to or I feel your aren't working quick enough. I know though, that my thoughts aren't your thoughts and my timming isn't your timming. I am just trusting in the blood of Jesus and waiting on your promises. Because I know that you are not a God that can lie. I pray that the Lord's angels will encamp around my babies as they are on this lifes journey and that they will know you, more that I do! In Jesus precious name, AMEN!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Day 13
When we fast, we are effectively going on a hunger strike against hell to say, "Loose those who are bound by deception, lies, alcohol, drugs, pornography, false religion, etc..!" -J. Franklin
Thoughts: What are the various ways you can experience guidance from God?
Reflect on how you can resist more temptation in these next days as hunger pangs continue.
So far in my walk with the Lord, he has guided me through me seeking Him in prayer and reading His word. He has also used situations and people in my life. The best way I feel to experience His guidence is to always have Him on your mind and heart. Looking for Him in everything. Even in times when I seeking Him less than usual He still uses things to make me realize I am slipping & need 2b seeking Him more. I can always feel Him tugging at my heart. He desires for us to know Him and not just depend on Him when times are rough. I am really enjoying the our time together during this, He is showing me alot. I pray He will hide each lesson learned in me, so I will never forget our special moments together. In each thing He is showing me I want to make the necessary changes in my life that He would have me to make. I pray He will direct my footsteps. (O:
My method of resisting temptaion is keeping my eyes on the Lord and the promises He has made me. In growing in Him and changing me. I am just trusting in Him...I know He's taking care of all of my needs.
Prayer Focus: Body of Christ
Prayer targets w/ in the body of Christ...I will not name specific people I have named on my list, but I will say that I am praying for missionaries, young Christians(all Christians), all religions, preachers, churches, teachers, youth leaders, parents, all those involved in the church bodies...
Today while cleaning my grannies house, the Lord spoke to me about how these days most of us aren't careful about what we put into our bodies. This generation I see many children with health issues, such as diabeties, obesity, depression, drug dependancy/abuse, diseases, anxiety etc...it seems to me that alot of parents are watching thier children die insted of the children growing old and taking care of thier parents. It is really sad. I see nursing homes having to do what families should be doing for the elderly. Honor has left our vocabulary. We aren't honoring ourselves or our parents/grandparents(or God). I myself have been selfish. I see alot of selfishness running rampid. Most of us feel like or have been taught we should be a free spirit and do what ever we want when you want (be who YOU want 2b, do what YOU want, don't let anyone tell you what to do)...while not watching out for who we might be wiping our feet on along the way... or even doing things that cause ourselves harm in the future. These days people are always in such a hurry and most don't stop to think about anything. Again I would like to say, I am not talking about any one person I know nor am I trying to be a religous judgemental Christian. I am simply stating what the Lord is showing me in my walk with Him. He is working on me in our Journey together. I am just posting this for people to learn about my journey and hopefully start one of thier own with Him.
My prayer tonite is that the Lord will contenue to direct my steps in my journey with Him and make the necessary changes in my life. I pray each lesson or truth pointed out to me is a lesson learned. That I can grow closer to Him through it all and I desire to be a better person and complete my purpose here on earth for His glory. Amen
Thoughts: What are the various ways you can experience guidance from God?
Reflect on how you can resist more temptation in these next days as hunger pangs continue.
So far in my walk with the Lord, he has guided me through me seeking Him in prayer and reading His word. He has also used situations and people in my life. The best way I feel to experience His guidence is to always have Him on your mind and heart. Looking for Him in everything. Even in times when I seeking Him less than usual He still uses things to make me realize I am slipping & need 2b seeking Him more. I can always feel Him tugging at my heart. He desires for us to know Him and not just depend on Him when times are rough. I am really enjoying the our time together during this, He is showing me alot. I pray He will hide each lesson learned in me, so I will never forget our special moments together. In each thing He is showing me I want to make the necessary changes in my life that He would have me to make. I pray He will direct my footsteps. (O:
My method of resisting temptaion is keeping my eyes on the Lord and the promises He has made me. In growing in Him and changing me. I am just trusting in Him...I know He's taking care of all of my needs.
Prayer Focus: Body of Christ
Prayer targets w/ in the body of Christ...I will not name specific people I have named on my list, but I will say that I am praying for missionaries, young Christians(all Christians), all religions, preachers, churches, teachers, youth leaders, parents, all those involved in the church bodies...
Today while cleaning my grannies house, the Lord spoke to me about how these days most of us aren't careful about what we put into our bodies. This generation I see many children with health issues, such as diabeties, obesity, depression, drug dependancy/abuse, diseases, anxiety etc...it seems to me that alot of parents are watching thier children die insted of the children growing old and taking care of thier parents. It is really sad. I see nursing homes having to do what families should be doing for the elderly. Honor has left our vocabulary. We aren't honoring ourselves or our parents/grandparents(or God). I myself have been selfish. I see alot of selfishness running rampid. Most of us feel like or have been taught we should be a free spirit and do what ever we want when you want (be who YOU want 2b, do what YOU want, don't let anyone tell you what to do)...while not watching out for who we might be wiping our feet on along the way... or even doing things that cause ourselves harm in the future. These days people are always in such a hurry and most don't stop to think about anything. Again I would like to say, I am not talking about any one person I know nor am I trying to be a religous judgemental Christian. I am simply stating what the Lord is showing me in my walk with Him. He is working on me in our Journey together. I am just posting this for people to learn about my journey and hopefully start one of thier own with Him.
My prayer tonite is that the Lord will contenue to direct my steps in my journey with Him and make the necessary changes in my life. I pray each lesson or truth pointed out to me is a lesson learned. That I can grow closer to Him through it all and I desire to be a better person and complete my purpose here on earth for His glory. Amen
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Day 12
Fasting helps you distinguish between what you want & what you really need. When you choose not to worry about these things & seek Him first, you are demonstrating the kind of faith that is pleasing to God, because your are trusting Him to also give you all the things you need. ...Jentzen Franklin
Thoughts: What has God revealed to you personally? Reflect on what it means to present your body as a living sacrifice through your time fasting.
God has revealed to me that in life we are given free will...to make our own choices. He gives us the ability to be able to choose life or death...in other words to choose to include Him in our lives or not. Each of us have the God given right to decide when we are going to let God in our lives, hearts, decisions, exc..Each day I have to wake up and choose to serve God. For me it's a no brainer, but not everyone feels like me or knows what I know about my God. All I know to say is everyone is intitled to thier own opinion, I believe people are the way they are for a reason(things that have happened in thier lives and affected them, whether it be it in a negative or positive way). I plead with anyone who might be reading this now or in the future, just try God. He will not let you down, as people do. He can and will fill every void in your heart and life. Growing in the Lord is the best thing that has ever happened to me. My days aren't perfect and my life isn't either...I have good days & bad days just like everyone else. The Lord doesn't promise we won't have trials, but he does promise that we won't be alone. I know you can't see Him, but just seek Him and see if you don't feel Him...I promise you will. Just pick up your Bible and start reading it. You may not even understand what your reading at first, but seek the Lord and you will find Him, pray for understanding and knowledge. He will show up. In fasting and seeking Him, I desire for the Lord to know that I am willing to do whatever it takes to get closer to Him, He is important to me. Nothing compares to what the Lord did for us all. Sacraficing His life willingly so that we could come boldly to the throne room of God. He will touch you and you will feel His presence all around you. Just give your all to Him, have faith, never give up, stay positive, love everyone no matter what, always be hopeful and keep your eyes on Him. He will never let you down, He will be your strength when you think you have none and your rock to stand on. He will direct your steps if you will be patient and listen for His still small voice carefully. He will be all you will ever need if you will just put Him 1st in your life and seek Him in all you do. God is love!
My sheep hear my voice, andI know them, and they follow Me. -John 10:27
Prayer Focus: Right relationships and Kingdom connections. -"Flesh People" feed your fear and cause you to feel like you have lost your dream. "Faith People-right relationships" begin to install in you a can do attitude. You can be catapulted by the relationships that God puts in your life. Today fast & press in to Him, seek His council on the relationships in your life. Which ones are draining: Which ones are supporting you? Which of these 2 do you represent to others?
Lord, I trust you...I am asking that you remove anyone that you do not want in my life. You know people and thier hearts. You know who I need in my life and who I don't. As you remove whomever from my life, I pray that you connect me with the right people and that I will not be a stumbling block for anyone, but a stepping stone for your glory. I am thankful for all you have done for me and all that lies ahead. In Jesus name, Amen.
Thoughts: What has God revealed to you personally? Reflect on what it means to present your body as a living sacrifice through your time fasting.
God has revealed to me that in life we are given free will...to make our own choices. He gives us the ability to be able to choose life or death...in other words to choose to include Him in our lives or not. Each of us have the God given right to decide when we are going to let God in our lives, hearts, decisions, exc..Each day I have to wake up and choose to serve God. For me it's a no brainer, but not everyone feels like me or knows what I know about my God. All I know to say is everyone is intitled to thier own opinion, I believe people are the way they are for a reason(things that have happened in thier lives and affected them, whether it be it in a negative or positive way). I plead with anyone who might be reading this now or in the future, just try God. He will not let you down, as people do. He can and will fill every void in your heart and life. Growing in the Lord is the best thing that has ever happened to me. My days aren't perfect and my life isn't either...I have good days & bad days just like everyone else. The Lord doesn't promise we won't have trials, but he does promise that we won't be alone. I know you can't see Him, but just seek Him and see if you don't feel Him...I promise you will. Just pick up your Bible and start reading it. You may not even understand what your reading at first, but seek the Lord and you will find Him, pray for understanding and knowledge. He will show up. In fasting and seeking Him, I desire for the Lord to know that I am willing to do whatever it takes to get closer to Him, He is important to me. Nothing compares to what the Lord did for us all. Sacraficing His life willingly so that we could come boldly to the throne room of God. He will touch you and you will feel His presence all around you. Just give your all to Him, have faith, never give up, stay positive, love everyone no matter what, always be hopeful and keep your eyes on Him. He will never let you down, He will be your strength when you think you have none and your rock to stand on. He will direct your steps if you will be patient and listen for His still small voice carefully. He will be all you will ever need if you will just put Him 1st in your life and seek Him in all you do. God is love!
My sheep hear my voice, andI know them, and they follow Me. -John 10:27
Prayer Focus: Right relationships and Kingdom connections. -"Flesh People" feed your fear and cause you to feel like you have lost your dream. "Faith People-right relationships" begin to install in you a can do attitude. You can be catapulted by the relationships that God puts in your life. Today fast & press in to Him, seek His council on the relationships in your life. Which ones are draining: Which ones are supporting you? Which of these 2 do you represent to others?
Lord, I trust you...I am asking that you remove anyone that you do not want in my life. You know people and thier hearts. You know who I need in my life and who I don't. As you remove whomever from my life, I pray that you connect me with the right people and that I will not be a stumbling block for anyone, but a stepping stone for your glory. I am thankful for all you have done for me and all that lies ahead. In Jesus name, Amen.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Day 11
Thoughts: Humility is a discipline and not something that just comes naturally. Fasting places one truly in the hands of God, dependant upon Him for spiritual nourishment in the absence of physical nourishment. Journal how this experience has humbled you and made you trust God more.
In this I am learning that I tend to always get what I want when I want it, food wise. I never think about what I am choosing to put in me, as long as it's what I am craving at the time I'm happy. I am also seeing that I don't have to have as much as I think I need portion wise. When going 4 days not eating & smelling/seeing the foods you normally eat and preparing it for the kids..whew I have to admit at times it is very hard. I have to keep my mind on the purpose of the fast, which is seeking the Lord & getting closer to Him & growing spiritually. Seeking Him and His will/direction for the year. Since last years fast & having so much happen in it and even through out the year, I know from experience that God is working and will honor our fast. My God doesn't lie & I trust Him with my life. As I stated in an earlier blog thier have been areas of my life that have been difficult for me to let go of and completely trust God with, but thier is now no doubt in my mind that I have given these areas to Him completely now. I know he loves me and insted of trying to fix these things that I haven't been able to fix, I know that He will get things done in His timming and they will be done His way. I wouldn't have it any other way. He knows best. I trust Him now more than ever! My God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in glory...& he is able to do exceeding abundatly above all I could ever think or ask. I am believing Him for the maximum, for His measure of capacity not my own.
Prayer Focus: Favor
Places I am experiencing the favor of the Lord & the expansion of my "territory":
I am experiencing the Lord's favor in being able to stay at home with my kids for the past 10 years. I do not have to work and be in the world dealing with everything going on out there. I have truely been blessed. I have 2 healthy kids and a hard working husband. We have been through some things, but the Lord has directed us and brought us through. We have been led a church, where we know with out a doubt we are suppose to be there. Our family knows the Lord and we all love Him will all our hearts and are learning on a daily basis, now that's what I call favor. I know that the Lord is leading us into His maximum for us and expanding our territory. We don't want to limit God in what he is doing for us (O:
Today was great. We were a tiny bit late for our church service, but didn't miss to much of the priase and worship. Today I feel like the Lord want me to be more sensitive to Him and He is telling me that I can do better than what I have been doing. I have to say I agree & I am trusting Him to help me get my mind and life back. I am rising up and confronting the barriers that have been standing in my way.
Lord, I pray that you'll contenue to lead and guide me in all I do. I want to be the best I can be in all I do for your glory. I want to come into my destiny and fulfill all you have for me. I place no limits on my God & am believing for His maximum in my family and life..my cup runneth over. I thank you Lord for your many blessings in Jesus name, Amen.
In this I am learning that I tend to always get what I want when I want it, food wise. I never think about what I am choosing to put in me, as long as it's what I am craving at the time I'm happy. I am also seeing that I don't have to have as much as I think I need portion wise. When going 4 days not eating & smelling/seeing the foods you normally eat and preparing it for the kids..whew I have to admit at times it is very hard. I have to keep my mind on the purpose of the fast, which is seeking the Lord & getting closer to Him & growing spiritually. Seeking Him and His will/direction for the year. Since last years fast & having so much happen in it and even through out the year, I know from experience that God is working and will honor our fast. My God doesn't lie & I trust Him with my life. As I stated in an earlier blog thier have been areas of my life that have been difficult for me to let go of and completely trust God with, but thier is now no doubt in my mind that I have given these areas to Him completely now. I know he loves me and insted of trying to fix these things that I haven't been able to fix, I know that He will get things done in His timming and they will be done His way. I wouldn't have it any other way. He knows best. I trust Him now more than ever! My God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in glory...& he is able to do exceeding abundatly above all I could ever think or ask. I am believing Him for the maximum, for His measure of capacity not my own.
Prayer Focus: Favor
Places I am experiencing the favor of the Lord & the expansion of my "territory":
I am experiencing the Lord's favor in being able to stay at home with my kids for the past 10 years. I do not have to work and be in the world dealing with everything going on out there. I have truely been blessed. I have 2 healthy kids and a hard working husband. We have been through some things, but the Lord has directed us and brought us through. We have been led a church, where we know with out a doubt we are suppose to be there. Our family knows the Lord and we all love Him will all our hearts and are learning on a daily basis, now that's what I call favor. I know that the Lord is leading us into His maximum for us and expanding our territory. We don't want to limit God in what he is doing for us (O:
Today was great. We were a tiny bit late for our church service, but didn't miss to much of the priase and worship. Today I feel like the Lord want me to be more sensitive to Him and He is telling me that I can do better than what I have been doing. I have to say I agree & I am trusting Him to help me get my mind and life back. I am rising up and confronting the barriers that have been standing in my way.
Lord, I pray that you'll contenue to lead and guide me in all I do. I want to be the best I can be in all I do for your glory. I want to come into my destiny and fulfill all you have for me. I place no limits on my God & am believing for His maximum in my family and life..my cup runneth over. I thank you Lord for your many blessings in Jesus name, Amen.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Day 10
On this 10th day we are reminded to: pray & stay in God's word...contenue to meditate & listen.
Thoughts: What do you currently desire in your life? Remember to pray about your dreams & ask God for guidance in what is best for your life.
At this point, what specific assignments do you believe God has for your life?
I desire peace of mind, wisdom, knowledge & understanding so that I can be who the Lord wants me 2b for His glory. I believe he desires for me to overcome all stumbling blocks & make sure our children know Him and His strength at thier fullest. I believe He is calling us out 2b outrageously different in serving Him & not care about what anyone thinks about it. I want my children to know that they don't have to be people pleasers...as long as they are serving the Lord & are acting as he directs thier footsteps they can't go wrong in life!
Prayer Focus: Protection-What is God saying to you today about His protection?
I personally try to see the Lord in all thats happening in my life & around me. Tonite I heart Pastor John Hagee tell a story about a little girl who had no food, one day while in town the queen saw this little girl and wrote her a decree...she stated that the girl was to meet her at her palace 1st thing in the morning & she would make sure that the little girl would never starve again. A decree wasn't made and not fulfilled. Hagee went on to say that God's word, our Bible is our decree(full of promises) and what he says he will do. I believe Prov. 3:5-7 and all other verses that state my God's promises to me. I have faith in the blood of Jesus, I know without a doubt that the name of the Lord is a strong tower; the rightous run to it & are safe.
Today I had the honor of taking my Daddy to his chemo treatment for the 1st time. Yes, I said honor. I am thankful that we have the relationship we have. That forgiveness isn't an issue. I got to spend quality time with Him on the ride to and from the Dr. office. It was a blessing to be able to be there for him. The situation isn't ideal and sounds sad, but I refuse to look at it that way. I know that the Lord is taking care of our family. He knows best for all His children & I will not question the hand we are delt. I do know that I have seen my Daddy grow in the Lord and in the past year heard him say some beautiful prayers. We choose to trust in the Lord with all our hearts & lean not on our own understanting. In all you do aknowledge Him and He will direct your paths. Prov. 3:5-6
I would also like to take some time say that I am so proud of our kids. Eli completed his 3 days with no chips fast sucessfully. Aly completed her 10 day fast of meat & milk...and is now finishing out the 21 day fast candy/sweet/sugarless. Some people don't believe in fasting, they think it's Old Testiment..or they aren't educated on it and don't know it's Biblical and the Lord tells us to fast. All of Judah fasted, women & children. They needed to know the Lord's plan to defeat the enemies army...in the midst of that assembly of fasting people, God spoke to his people through a prophet, who encouraged them saying "Don't be afaid or dismayed, for this battle isn't yours, but God's"...God told Judah exactly how that the enemy army would approach and exacly what they were to do in response. The battle took one day, God not only delivered them but he also prospered them.
Fasting scriptures:
Math. 4:2(Jesus fasted 40 days & 40 nts.), Math. 6:16-18, 9:15, 15:32, 17:21
Mark 2:18-20, 8:3, 9:29 Luke 5:33-35, 18:2 Acts 10:30, 14:23, 27:33 1 Corinth. 7:5
* Daniel fasted
* Esther called a fast...these are just to name a few.
I believe we are suppose to fast simply because Jesus fasted and in John 13:15 He says He is our example. I am thankful that the Lord has lead us to a Church family that is not only teaching us the importance of fasting, but making sure our kids/youth are encouraged to do it and are leatning the importance of seeking the Lord and His will for thier lives.
Thoughts: What do you currently desire in your life? Remember to pray about your dreams & ask God for guidance in what is best for your life.
At this point, what specific assignments do you believe God has for your life?
I desire peace of mind, wisdom, knowledge & understanding so that I can be who the Lord wants me 2b for His glory. I believe he desires for me to overcome all stumbling blocks & make sure our children know Him and His strength at thier fullest. I believe He is calling us out 2b outrageously different in serving Him & not care about what anyone thinks about it. I want my children to know that they don't have to be people pleasers...as long as they are serving the Lord & are acting as he directs thier footsteps they can't go wrong in life!
Prayer Focus: Protection-What is God saying to you today about His protection?
I personally try to see the Lord in all thats happening in my life & around me. Tonite I heart Pastor John Hagee tell a story about a little girl who had no food, one day while in town the queen saw this little girl and wrote her a decree...she stated that the girl was to meet her at her palace 1st thing in the morning & she would make sure that the little girl would never starve again. A decree wasn't made and not fulfilled. Hagee went on to say that God's word, our Bible is our decree(full of promises) and what he says he will do. I believe Prov. 3:5-7 and all other verses that state my God's promises to me. I have faith in the blood of Jesus, I know without a doubt that the name of the Lord is a strong tower; the rightous run to it & are safe.
Today I had the honor of taking my Daddy to his chemo treatment for the 1st time. Yes, I said honor. I am thankful that we have the relationship we have. That forgiveness isn't an issue. I got to spend quality time with Him on the ride to and from the Dr. office. It was a blessing to be able to be there for him. The situation isn't ideal and sounds sad, but I refuse to look at it that way. I know that the Lord is taking care of our family. He knows best for all His children & I will not question the hand we are delt. I do know that I have seen my Daddy grow in the Lord and in the past year heard him say some beautiful prayers. We choose to trust in the Lord with all our hearts & lean not on our own understanting. In all you do aknowledge Him and He will direct your paths. Prov. 3:5-6
I would also like to take some time say that I am so proud of our kids. Eli completed his 3 days with no chips fast sucessfully. Aly completed her 10 day fast of meat & milk...and is now finishing out the 21 day fast candy/sweet/sugarless. Some people don't believe in fasting, they think it's Old Testiment..or they aren't educated on it and don't know it's Biblical and the Lord tells us to fast. All of Judah fasted, women & children. They needed to know the Lord's plan to defeat the enemies army...in the midst of that assembly of fasting people, God spoke to his people through a prophet, who encouraged them saying "Don't be afaid or dismayed, for this battle isn't yours, but God's"...God told Judah exactly how that the enemy army would approach and exacly what they were to do in response. The battle took one day, God not only delivered them but he also prospered them.
Fasting scriptures:
Math. 4:2(Jesus fasted 40 days & 40 nts.), Math. 6:16-18, 9:15, 15:32, 17:21
Mark 2:18-20, 8:3, 9:29 Luke 5:33-35, 18:2 Acts 10:30, 14:23, 27:33 1 Corinth. 7:5
* Daniel fasted
* Esther called a fast...these are just to name a few.
I believe we are suppose to fast simply because Jesus fasted and in John 13:15 He says He is our example. I am thankful that the Lord has lead us to a Church family that is not only teaching us the importance of fasting, but making sure our kids/youth are encouraged to do it and are leatning the importance of seeking the Lord and His will for thier lives.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Day 9
Today our journal reminds us to: maintain our journals, and contenue to meditate & listen.
Reflect on the battle that ensues between the carnal man and the spirit.
How has God's presence become more clear through this experience?
The carnal man VS spirit..I feel this on a dialy basis. Some days more than others. God has helped me to recognize many of my weakness and when the devil is trying to attack me. I have had times when he has come at me in a different form/way than I am use to with the same issues, but in looking for the old sometimes you miss the new(attack methods). So I know how a person can fall multiple times in the same area. On a good day I tend to be less reliant on the Lord and not so anxious to hear from Him..in the idleness of comfort we think nothing bad is getting in. Our guard comes down & we shift our focus to other things in our lives. I have learned that this is when we mess up...in thinking after a battle/tough situation that it's over. We tend to look past the small things we let in such as the music we listen to, nasty jokes we repeat, gossip, movies we watch/tv shows, books we read, additudes we have...exc., that all this doesn't matter, but I beg to differ. I am not speaking as a religous judgemental christian, but from my own personal experience. I have no desire 2b a judgemental religous christian. I want to know the Lord contenually & always stay in His presence. I am saying that each choice we make effects us & the people around us...family, friends & even strangers. As Pastor Franklin says "Every deed has a seed." meaning the deeds you choose to do in this lifetime create a seed for future generations. We are either sowing iniquity for the next generation or equity for the next generation, spiritually & righteously, for the next generation. I have to admit that having my 1st child is what pushed me to want to have a better relatonship with the Lord. At 1st it wasn't for me, it was 2b a better example and a better mother/person for my child(now children), than I myself knew how to be. But look at me now...what a blessing my kids are to me and how my relationship with the Lord has really blossomed from that. Now I have to return the favor and make sure they know Him like I do. I can't afford to take any chances. I must do what I feel the Lord wants me to do, the right thing...get all the trash out of our lives. I have heard a saying, "If you don't take out the trash, after a while you'll start smelling like it!"
Prayer focus: Family
I pray that family generational curses will be broken, so that my kids and the children in our families never have to experience the bondages and curses that have stuck with our fimilies in the past generations. They have no right, power or authority over any of us in Jesus name. Lord give us all needed knowledge, wisdom & understanding to make right choices/decisions. To stand firm with the Lord always, no matter what others may say or think of us. To be different & set apart from the world and it's normalcy and boldly not care to be different for our Lord and Savior. In Jesus name..AMEN!
Reflect on the battle that ensues between the carnal man and the spirit.
How has God's presence become more clear through this experience?
The carnal man VS spirit..I feel this on a dialy basis. Some days more than others. God has helped me to recognize many of my weakness and when the devil is trying to attack me. I have had times when he has come at me in a different form/way than I am use to with the same issues, but in looking for the old sometimes you miss the new(attack methods). So I know how a person can fall multiple times in the same area. On a good day I tend to be less reliant on the Lord and not so anxious to hear from Him..in the idleness of comfort we think nothing bad is getting in. Our guard comes down & we shift our focus to other things in our lives. I have learned that this is when we mess up...in thinking after a battle/tough situation that it's over. We tend to look past the small things we let in such as the music we listen to, nasty jokes we repeat, gossip, movies we watch/tv shows, books we read, additudes we have...exc., that all this doesn't matter, but I beg to differ. I am not speaking as a religous judgemental christian, but from my own personal experience. I have no desire 2b a judgemental religous christian. I want to know the Lord contenually & always stay in His presence. I am saying that each choice we make effects us & the people around us...family, friends & even strangers. As Pastor Franklin says "Every deed has a seed." meaning the deeds you choose to do in this lifetime create a seed for future generations. We are either sowing iniquity for the next generation or equity for the next generation, spiritually & righteously, for the next generation. I have to admit that having my 1st child is what pushed me to want to have a better relatonship with the Lord. At 1st it wasn't for me, it was 2b a better example and a better mother/person for my child(now children), than I myself knew how to be. But look at me now...what a blessing my kids are to me and how my relationship with the Lord has really blossomed from that. Now I have to return the favor and make sure they know Him like I do. I can't afford to take any chances. I must do what I feel the Lord wants me to do, the right thing...get all the trash out of our lives. I have heard a saying, "If you don't take out the trash, after a while you'll start smelling like it!"
Prayer focus: Family
I pray that family generational curses will be broken, so that my kids and the children in our families never have to experience the bondages and curses that have stuck with our fimilies in the past generations. They have no right, power or authority over any of us in Jesus name. Lord give us all needed knowledge, wisdom & understanding to make right choices/decisions. To stand firm with the Lord always, no matter what others may say or think of us. To be different & set apart from the world and it's normalcy and boldly not care to be different for our Lord and Savior. In Jesus name..AMEN!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Day 8
On our 8th day of fasting we are reminded to remember: to stay in God's word..& you begin to discover what is known as the "sweet spot"-a place you hit that will be as though you slittped through the veil & walked right into the holy of holies.
Thoughts: Reflect on how there is great power & supernatural blessing that await you as you forsake all flesh for the chance to know the Savior & hear his voice.
As time passes, I don't even want to eat. My desire for food weakens at times & I would rather be doing a full fast. But on the other hand when I am week, I am thankful for what I can eat. I know we have more power and self control than we think.
Prayer Focus: Marrige
We are reminded that marrige doesn't take 2 people, it takes 3..you can't have a good marrige if God isn't the center of it. I grew up in a split home. Neither Michael or myself really have a firm understanding of what marrige is really about. Our marrige is our main focus right now. We want it to be all God intends for it to be. I have made a list of family & friends marriges to pray for as well as my own. We all need God's best in our lives, marriges & families. As well as peace in our selves, our homes and our relationships.
Today was great. Church was awesome. The Lord spoke to me as usual. For some reason yesterday I went off on choices. I didn't really know why, I couldn't really figure it out..I just went with it. This morning at church Pastor Franklin preached on choices..I am telling you now I almost fell out of my seat a few times. I just thank God that I know I am where I am suppose to be.
My prayer for tonite is that the Lord will contenue working in me, my life, my family-relationships, my marrige and in my kids. I am so blessed to be where I am in my walk with Him and I am thankful for each lesson I learn, no matter if it's good or bad. I am just glad the Lord is working in me, growing me & showing me things about myself. Thank you Lord for all your blessings and most of all my relationship with you. I pray you will work in each marrige I listed on my paper, you know each individaul marrige needs. Help us to honor you in our marriges and lives. Let us be a good expample for our children, so thier expectations will be high and they will accept nothing less than what you have for them. In Jesus name, AMEN!
Thoughts: Reflect on how there is great power & supernatural blessing that await you as you forsake all flesh for the chance to know the Savior & hear his voice.
As time passes, I don't even want to eat. My desire for food weakens at times & I would rather be doing a full fast. But on the other hand when I am week, I am thankful for what I can eat. I know we have more power and self control than we think.
Prayer Focus: Marrige
We are reminded that marrige doesn't take 2 people, it takes 3..you can't have a good marrige if God isn't the center of it. I grew up in a split home. Neither Michael or myself really have a firm understanding of what marrige is really about. Our marrige is our main focus right now. We want it to be all God intends for it to be. I have made a list of family & friends marriges to pray for as well as my own. We all need God's best in our lives, marriges & families. As well as peace in our selves, our homes and our relationships.
Today was great. Church was awesome. The Lord spoke to me as usual. For some reason yesterday I went off on choices. I didn't really know why, I couldn't really figure it out..I just went with it. This morning at church Pastor Franklin preached on choices..I am telling you now I almost fell out of my seat a few times. I just thank God that I know I am where I am suppose to be.
My prayer for tonite is that the Lord will contenue working in me, my life, my family-relationships, my marrige and in my kids. I am so blessed to be where I am in my walk with Him and I am thankful for each lesson I learn, no matter if it's good or bad. I am just glad the Lord is working in me, growing me & showing me things about myself. Thank you Lord for all your blessings and most of all my relationship with you. I pray you will work in each marrige I listed on my paper, you know each individaul marrige needs. Help us to honor you in our marriges and lives. Let us be a good expample for our children, so thier expectations will be high and they will accept nothing less than what you have for them. In Jesus name, AMEN!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Days 6 & 7
Our journal reminders are : to concentrate on prolonged times of meditation and listening, senses will begin to heighten, wirght loss & detoxification contenue, keep water at all times, rest & relax as much as possible.
Thoughts: Day 6
How is experiencing fasting as a discipline bringing you closer to God? Has God revealed anything to you since your fast began?
Fasting has made me more sensitive to the Lord when I see things I can recognize more than usual. I feel I still need 2b more sensitive. I sense my sensitivity can be much deeper.
During this fast each day I am making a journal entry. In these entries I have shared what has been revealed to me on each day.
Prayer focus: Breaking Addictions Day 6
There are people in my life I know with addictions I will be praying for. As for myself..I tend to be lazy at times and procrastionate. I think I can do things on my own alot & I over eat when I get emotional or unhappy.
Thoughts: Day 7
How are you resisting the temptation of hunger? How can resisting hunger by focusing on the Lord relate to avoiding other temptations in your life?
Keeping focused on my goals help me to resist the temptaions of hunger. It helps you to recognize that God is there for you no matter what the need is, large or small.
Prayer focus: Day 7 Finances & Prosperity..
We are to list spicific financial needs and be in prayer about them. I won't list ours, but I will say that we want the Lord's over flow. We want 2b able to help others on a large scale for God's glory. We want to be debt free.
Over the last two days I have learned more about the blood of Jesus. I have a better understanding of it. I have also noticed while being away from home and not being able to really plan my meals, how easy it is when your out to just eat what you want insted of whats good for you. In life we are given free will. Our choices on everything matter more than we think. Each day is filled with choices that make a difference in our lives, as well as the people who are around us. We decide...what we put in our mouths, our spirits, our heart..we choose what comes out of our mouths(in speaking to one another-with this we can choose to tear down or build up someone)...we choose what we eat, when we eat & where we eat(we could make wiser decisions). I choose to make God #1 and believe that through Jesus all my needs will be met. In this I know with out a doubt I will be taken care of and so will my family.
Thoughts: Day 6
How is experiencing fasting as a discipline bringing you closer to God? Has God revealed anything to you since your fast began?
Fasting has made me more sensitive to the Lord when I see things I can recognize more than usual. I feel I still need 2b more sensitive. I sense my sensitivity can be much deeper.
During this fast each day I am making a journal entry. In these entries I have shared what has been revealed to me on each day.
Prayer focus: Breaking Addictions Day 6
There are people in my life I know with addictions I will be praying for. As for myself..I tend to be lazy at times and procrastionate. I think I can do things on my own alot & I over eat when I get emotional or unhappy.
Thoughts: Day 7
How are you resisting the temptation of hunger? How can resisting hunger by focusing on the Lord relate to avoiding other temptations in your life?
Keeping focused on my goals help me to resist the temptaions of hunger. It helps you to recognize that God is there for you no matter what the need is, large or small.
Prayer focus: Day 7 Finances & Prosperity..
We are to list spicific financial needs and be in prayer about them. I won't list ours, but I will say that we want the Lord's over flow. We want 2b able to help others on a large scale for God's glory. We want to be debt free.
Over the last two days I have learned more about the blood of Jesus. I have a better understanding of it. I have also noticed while being away from home and not being able to really plan my meals, how easy it is when your out to just eat what you want insted of whats good for you. In life we are given free will. Our choices on everything matter more than we think. Each day is filled with choices that make a difference in our lives, as well as the people who are around us. We decide...what we put in our mouths, our spirits, our heart..we choose what comes out of our mouths(in speaking to one another-with this we can choose to tear down or build up someone)...we choose what we eat, when we eat & where we eat(we could make wiser decisions). I choose to make God #1 and believe that through Jesus all my needs will be met. In this I know with out a doubt I will be taken care of and so will my family.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Day 5
Today our journal says remember to: journal your journey, concentrate on your own personal prayer time & place.
Q. Why do you think fasting is important in order to acheive your greatest break throughs?
Jesus fasted, and He intimately realted to His Father in heaven. How has this fast, so far, helped you to relate to your heavenly Father?
A. I believe that fasting is important in order to acheive my greatest breakthrough because, Jesus did it & he told us to do as he did. He lead by expample and even told us that it would be necessary after he was crucified.
So far, during this fast I am learning that my Father in heaven really & truely desires a personal intimate relationship with me and all his children. He wants much more than to just be our father or crutch as most of tend to think or believe. This is way deeper than we can really comprehend...I just pray that he'll speak to me and help me to understand the depth of His love for us/me and I desire to just get to know Him as much as I possibly can.
Prayer focus for today: Health & Healing
I listed My Dad who has lymphomia, relationships that need 2b healed, my mind, marrige, & my floater/sweating...
Isaiah 53:5 & Psalm 91:16
Today was good, I finally got to chew my 1st fruit in 4 days. I have never looked forward to veggies like I did today. Though I did get to eat something, spiritually I have been lacking something all day. I don't know if it was the anticipation/concentration on food or what. To be honest I almost felt bad/guilty for eating & enjoying my fruit & veggies today. I think one thing I have learned from today is that when you get what you want, you tend to not concentrate on or give as much attention to your spiritual needs. When your in a good place or you are happy, we tend to forget what the Lord has done & just move on until something happens to get our attention and sends us running back to God.
My prayer is that I will not overlook my God whom has been so good to me and my family. I want to always have him on my mind and in my heart. I want to have Him as close to me as I can. I am sorry for ever looking past Him to someone or something else...like thier is anything that could ever fill the void he fills. I am thankful for all He has done for me, all he's gonna do for me and the work he's doing in and through me. In Jesus name, AMEN.
Q. Why do you think fasting is important in order to acheive your greatest break throughs?
Jesus fasted, and He intimately realted to His Father in heaven. How has this fast, so far, helped you to relate to your heavenly Father?
A. I believe that fasting is important in order to acheive my greatest breakthrough because, Jesus did it & he told us to do as he did. He lead by expample and even told us that it would be necessary after he was crucified.
So far, during this fast I am learning that my Father in heaven really & truely desires a personal intimate relationship with me and all his children. He wants much more than to just be our father or crutch as most of tend to think or believe. This is way deeper than we can really comprehend...I just pray that he'll speak to me and help me to understand the depth of His love for us/me and I desire to just get to know Him as much as I possibly can.
Prayer focus for today: Health & Healing
I listed My Dad who has lymphomia, relationships that need 2b healed, my mind, marrige, & my floater/sweating...
Isaiah 53:5 & Psalm 91:16
Today was good, I finally got to chew my 1st fruit in 4 days. I have never looked forward to veggies like I did today. Though I did get to eat something, spiritually I have been lacking something all day. I don't know if it was the anticipation/concentration on food or what. To be honest I almost felt bad/guilty for eating & enjoying my fruit & veggies today. I think one thing I have learned from today is that when you get what you want, you tend to not concentrate on or give as much attention to your spiritual needs. When your in a good place or you are happy, we tend to forget what the Lord has done & just move on until something happens to get our attention and sends us running back to God.
My prayer is that I will not overlook my God whom has been so good to me and my family. I want to always have him on my mind and in my heart. I want to have Him as close to me as I can. I am sorry for ever looking past Him to someone or something else...like thier is anything that could ever fill the void he fills. I am thankful for all He has done for me, all he's gonna do for me and the work he's doing in and through me. In Jesus name, AMEN.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Day 4
Today our journal tells us to listen as we pray & record His response to our prayers.
Q. Is there any healing that you need physically?
What are the needs in your family right now?
A. Physically..I have a problem with sweating. I don' t care if I am hot or cold I am sweating. I also have a floater that I see alot.
As for my family I want to be closer to everyone. I want a peace in my home like no one has ever known.
Prayer focus for today: Intercessors
I have listed some family members, The President and all ppl. in authority in the Gov.
I spent the last day of my full fast in the kitchen cleaning out every cabnet and the refridgerator. I did this on purpose. I wanted to make a bold statment and send a clear message to the devil that I am no longer a pawn of his. Believe it or not it was easier than yesterday. I felt very impowered and greatful that the Lord loves me as I am. I at times thought of all the people that die each day from starvation, mostly children. I can't imagine having to be a parent and watch your child die of starvation. It is just so sad. Part of our fast is to give the money we would spend on our normal groceries and donating it to the food bank at church or a food shelter of some kind. I thought today while I was drinking my water about the people that don't have clean drinking water & how terrible that is. I am so thankful to be a part of a church that recognizes the needs of hurting people in the US and around the world. I also thought on Human trafficing some today & how it is going on in the US right under our noses with girls being held in cages in middle class neighbors hoods & sold for $2000.00. It seems as though no one cares about hurting people or children/teens. They are crying out, yet no one hears them...maybe it's because no one is listening. We are to busy with worrying about lusts of the flesh & gadgets that save us our ooo so valuable time(why are people in such a hurry all the time any way, I mean seriously). Maybe if all those hurting people could shoot some of us a quick text message we'd recognize what's really going on around us. People are so busy looking down, they can't see around them, even in thier own families. I am just saying what I am seeing...I am not talking about anyone or have a spacific person or persons in mind. If you read this and it hits you the wrong way maybe you need to check yourself. I know I myself am guilty. I want more than anything to be sensitive to the Lord and what He's showing me. My desire isn't to hurt or offend, I am simply in the growth process myself and desire to do just that GROW. As I stated yesterday. I am not perfect, I am a work in progress. I desire to change and be who the Lord wants me to be. As a teen I struggled daily, I never really felt like I knew who I was or wanted to be. But as my search contenued I found myself in the Lord. I believe that he can and will use me to my fullest. I welcome all he has for me and can't wait to see who I am years from now...I know he is working in me and molding me into something great for His glory. (O:
Q. Is there any healing that you need physically?
What are the needs in your family right now?
A. Physically..I have a problem with sweating. I don' t care if I am hot or cold I am sweating. I also have a floater that I see alot.
As for my family I want to be closer to everyone. I want a peace in my home like no one has ever known.
Prayer focus for today: Intercessors
I have listed some family members, The President and all ppl. in authority in the Gov.
I spent the last day of my full fast in the kitchen cleaning out every cabnet and the refridgerator. I did this on purpose. I wanted to make a bold statment and send a clear message to the devil that I am no longer a pawn of his. Believe it or not it was easier than yesterday. I felt very impowered and greatful that the Lord loves me as I am. I at times thought of all the people that die each day from starvation, mostly children. I can't imagine having to be a parent and watch your child die of starvation. It is just so sad. Part of our fast is to give the money we would spend on our normal groceries and donating it to the food bank at church or a food shelter of some kind. I thought today while I was drinking my water about the people that don't have clean drinking water & how terrible that is. I am so thankful to be a part of a church that recognizes the needs of hurting people in the US and around the world. I also thought on Human trafficing some today & how it is going on in the US right under our noses with girls being held in cages in middle class neighbors hoods & sold for $2000.00. It seems as though no one cares about hurting people or children/teens. They are crying out, yet no one hears them...maybe it's because no one is listening. We are to busy with worrying about lusts of the flesh & gadgets that save us our ooo so valuable time(why are people in such a hurry all the time any way, I mean seriously). Maybe if all those hurting people could shoot some of us a quick text message we'd recognize what's really going on around us. People are so busy looking down, they can't see around them, even in thier own families. I am just saying what I am seeing...I am not talking about anyone or have a spacific person or persons in mind. If you read this and it hits you the wrong way maybe you need to check yourself. I know I myself am guilty. I want more than anything to be sensitive to the Lord and what He's showing me. My desire isn't to hurt or offend, I am simply in the growth process myself and desire to do just that GROW. As I stated yesterday. I am not perfect, I am a work in progress. I desire to change and be who the Lord wants me to be. As a teen I struggled daily, I never really felt like I knew who I was or wanted to be. But as my search contenued I found myself in the Lord. I believe that he can and will use me to my fullest. I welcome all he has for me and can't wait to see who I am years from now...I know he is working in me and molding me into something great for His glory. (O:
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Day 3
Day 3 in the journal reminds us to pray for encouragement & states it is usualy the toughest day. Journal thoughts ask "What is the Holy Spirit showing you about endurance?" my asnwer is that endurance isn't easy, it's work. It's tough to make a concious decision to do or not do something. I am seeing that I give up and give in easily. I am easily broken. Today I haven't felt spiritual at all. To be honest I haven't felt like doing much of anything. The best part of my day was this morning when the kids & I went outside to play and went walking. It was on my mind when I woke up and 2b honest I laid around for a few minutes and by the time I got out of bed I didn't feel like doing it, but I felt like I needed to do it. It was on my mind for a reason...which I still have no idea of, but it was nice to get out of the house and I really enjoyed being out with the kids.
The 2nd thought from our journal is "What dreams are in your heart that only God can make possible?" and in my journal I wrote...to be debt free & have a stronger family. But, as I read the question now I am going back to a few weeks ago when I was having a really bad day. In my mind I was feeling unloved and unappreciated...I was doing laundry & something just hit me. I thought "What is it gonna take for me to be loved like I desire to be loved?" and in my self absorbed, woe is me moment..I heard "You know what you are wanting from someone else, I am wanting from you." Oh my goodness, what, I couldn't believe it. For the 1st time I really realized how much emphasis I was putting on my realtionship with my husband and putting God 2nd. I desire such a deep love from my spouse that I don't even recognize how I am neglecting the relationship that matters most in my life, mine with the Lord. Something in me desires a love that I can't even really describe...I have been looking for it in someone, insted of the one! I don't know how to stop though, is the sad part. I know how I feel so hurt and broken from this emptyness or lack of desired love. I know that my God loves me and I love Him. I don't understand why I want this love, that I know only the Lord can give...from someone. I know he knows me better than anyone and he knows my hearts desires. I just want to stop trying to make things happen on my own and recieve everything that the Lord has for me. I am tired, worn out and even want to give up at times. Yet I know who I can trust with my life and my family and I refuse to give up. My faith is in God. I know he's got this, I know he's working on me. I am a continual work in progress. I won't ever be perfect or flawless. Thank God he takes us just as we are. I never want to settle for less than God's best in my life.
My prayer tonite is that the Lord will keep me strong. My hope is in you Lord & my faith is in You...I surrender all...and will be returning anything to you that trys to get me off coarse and disrupt our agreement, such as control issues or self confidence. I am not taking on this stuff on my own anylonger. I am trusting you and your word. I am not looking at things as the world does. I want to see myself as you do and know that you have a plan and purpose for me and my life. I am busting the devil and calling him out, he is caught. I see what he's doing and he is BUSTED and itentified. He is bound in the name of Jesus, no more playing on my field...in any way shape, form or fashion. And I loose the Holy Spirit to work and make whole, my mind, life, family & relationships. I plead it and recieve it through the blood of Jesus...Amen
The 2nd thought from our journal is "What dreams are in your heart that only God can make possible?" and in my journal I wrote...to be debt free & have a stronger family. But, as I read the question now I am going back to a few weeks ago when I was having a really bad day. In my mind I was feeling unloved and unappreciated...I was doing laundry & something just hit me. I thought "What is it gonna take for me to be loved like I desire to be loved?" and in my self absorbed, woe is me moment..I heard "You know what you are wanting from someone else, I am wanting from you." Oh my goodness, what, I couldn't believe it. For the 1st time I really realized how much emphasis I was putting on my realtionship with my husband and putting God 2nd. I desire such a deep love from my spouse that I don't even recognize how I am neglecting the relationship that matters most in my life, mine with the Lord. Something in me desires a love that I can't even really describe...I have been looking for it in someone, insted of the one! I don't know how to stop though, is the sad part. I know how I feel so hurt and broken from this emptyness or lack of desired love. I know that my God loves me and I love Him. I don't understand why I want this love, that I know only the Lord can give...from someone. I know he knows me better than anyone and he knows my hearts desires. I just want to stop trying to make things happen on my own and recieve everything that the Lord has for me. I am tired, worn out and even want to give up at times. Yet I know who I can trust with my life and my family and I refuse to give up. My faith is in God. I know he's got this, I know he's working on me. I am a continual work in progress. I won't ever be perfect or flawless. Thank God he takes us just as we are. I never want to settle for less than God's best in my life.
My prayer tonite is that the Lord will keep me strong. My hope is in you Lord & my faith is in You...I surrender all...and will be returning anything to you that trys to get me off coarse and disrupt our agreement, such as control issues or self confidence. I am not taking on this stuff on my own anylonger. I am trusting you and your word. I am not looking at things as the world does. I want to see myself as you do and know that you have a plan and purpose for me and my life. I am busting the devil and calling him out, he is caught. I see what he's doing and he is BUSTED and itentified. He is bound in the name of Jesus, no more playing on my field...in any way shape, form or fashion. And I loose the Holy Spirit to work and make whole, my mind, life, family & relationships. I plead it and recieve it through the blood of Jesus...Amen
Monday, January 10, 2011
Day 2
On our 2nd day the journal reminds us to pray & stay in God's Word, rest and conserve energy. It says the 2nd and 3rd days are most challinging. I agree. Today I woke up with a major headache. So bad my eyes and nose hurt(from a previous break). I really thought I was going to break at some point today. Insted I got some support from my best friend in the world, my hubby. He told me to get out of bed and go straight to the computer to watch todays online video. I did it and then soaked in a hot bath for a while. Then let the kids enjoy the snow. I also had alot of thoughts and read some about spiritual warfare. I am glad that I know Jesus and am thankful that even though I am not perfect, I still have a place to run to when I have a hard day. For me a hard day is alot going through my mind...sometimes crazy irational thoughts about my lack in many areas & I tend to place blame on myself and others for it. I recognize that the devil has really attacked me in my mind in areas of fear...it's a bondage and I am on my way out, thank God! This will be nipped in the bud...not by my power or might, but my Lord has me right where he wants me & insted of fighting the hands that are holding me, I am now going to embrace them...Let go and let God. My faith has always been in Him, yet I have struggled to completely turn over certain areas of my life because of the fear of the outcome. No more, I trust that He will make all things work togther for the good of me because I truely love Him with all my heart. No one can compare to Him in this world. He has done far more for me than anyone on earth. I choose to keep trusting in Him with all my heart, and lean not on my own understanding, knowing he will direct my steps. My patience has gotten me in trouble in the past, I am deciding that no matter how long it takes Him, He knows better for me than I do and never has the intention of harming me, but growing me.
My prayer for tonight is for a fresh encounter with God and to know Him on a higher level. I pray for strength to get through this fast. I pray for boldness in Christ. I want to be different from others for Him and His glory. I pray for every one on my Spirityal "hit list" (the Lord knows who they are) & I pray for our Pastor and his family..they need strength, guidance, wisdom, knowledge, understanding sensitivity to the Lord and His will. I pray the Lord will direct Pastor's footsteps in all he does . In Jesus name, Amen...
My prayer for tonight is for a fresh encounter with God and to know Him on a higher level. I pray for strength to get through this fast. I pray for boldness in Christ. I want to be different from others for Him and His glory. I pray for every one on my Spirityal "hit list" (the Lord knows who they are) & I pray for our Pastor and his family..they need strength, guidance, wisdom, knowledge, understanding sensitivity to the Lord and His will. I pray the Lord will direct Pastor's footsteps in all he does . In Jesus name, Amen...
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Day 1
I would like to start off by saying I am not writing for any other reason than trying to educate people whom are curious about fasting. I have family & friends that have ask questions, so in recording my daily feelings/experiences my hope is to answer any questions they might have about the fasting experience. To God be the glory....
Anyone who grew up with me or has known me for a while knows that the first thing I do when I wake up is...EAT. As soon as my feet hit the floor, they head straight for the kitchen. Today the battle between spirit, will and flesh started, but really in the spiritual relm it's always raging. As I write I am reminded of the battle I face daily in my mind. The Devil has used things that have happened in my past to steal my sanity at times and take me down the road of depression and lack of self confidence ultimately effecting myself and my realtionships with people, mainly my spouse. In fasting I know that the God I love so dearly with all my heart is going to release back to me the authority I have willingly let satin steal from me. I know it is not His will that I stay on the path I have been on and I surrender all to Him. I am one to try and fix things on my own, in my mind I am the one who can do it if I try really hard. In this if I fail it is my fault and no one elses. I have been trying to do things on my own for years now and have gotten No WHERE! I have been in ER's over and over thinking I am having a heart attack due to stress...I am sick of it, I know that I can get me no where. I don't understand why in certian situations I can have complete faith in God and others I lack it & let things eat me up & feel like I can handle the situations on my own. I am tired of the garbidge in my life and family...I want the Lord to empty me of all the trash I have in me, my family & my life...
This morning it was hard to get out of bed. 1st thing I took a shower and tried to avoid the kitchen as long as I could. Though before leaving for church the kids wanted to fix a sandwitch to take for after service. As I opened the refridgeratior I could feel the salavia get think in my mouth, but I was o.k. and made it through the sandwitch making. I had a glass of water and sat quitely during our one hour ride to Free Chapel. Service was wonderful as usual. It's always helpful to know thier are lots of people experiencing the same thing as you at the same time, so in being there knowing most others were fasting made the 2nd meal of the day easier to get through. I had an orange juice on the ride home and took a nap upon arrival. When I woke up it was like a roaring lion who hadn't eaten in days...I was ill and hungry, I knew it was comming upon the last meal of the day & I wouldn't be getting it, but still have to make it for the kids. For me that is the hardest part of this fast. Being the cook for the kids. I remember last year having such a tough time, but it was worth it. I would do it again, which is why I am. I would say that this will become something our family does every year from now own.
In our fasting journal we are reminded...pray and stay in God's word, drink lots of water, expect(headaches, hunger pangs, and cravings for food, sugar, & caffine), and to play praise and worship music as much as possible. Part of the fast is to be careful what you let in your mind(TV, music, thoughts) and body, and also to refrain from speaking negatively or gossiping about anyone. The journal also asks what our personal reasons for fasting are & asks if we desire a sensitivity to the things of God, and as I stated in yesterdays entry I want to get closer to the Lord, knowing Him on a higher more intimate level. I want to hear His voice in all I do & know His will. I want 2b sensitive to Him & be obedient. I want all the trash taken out of me and my home...anything that is not of Him out, gone...I want my edge back, I want back everthing the devil has stolen from me & even past family members, I am crying out for justice. Today in our journal we are ask to make a spiritual "hit list"..and keep praying for these people in our lives during the fast.
As the day draws to an end as I am writing and slowly sipping & enjoying my broth, I come to see and realize the good fight of faith isn't easy. It's a choice, to go against the current and not care what people say about you. It's about staying true to what you know beacuse the Lord has revealed it to you. It's not about fitting in anymore...we aren't in highschool anymore. It's about being dramaticaly different and not fitting in to the world and all it's doing...it's about staying true to God and knowing without a doubt that he loves us and has no desire to harm us, but above all to see us prosper and be in good health, even as our soul prospers(3 Jn. 1 &2). I want change, major change in my life & I am trusting the only one who can get it done to do it...my Lord & Savior Jesus Christ...the Great Physician, Wonderful, Mighty, Counselor....
Anyone who grew up with me or has known me for a while knows that the first thing I do when I wake up is...EAT. As soon as my feet hit the floor, they head straight for the kitchen. Today the battle between spirit, will and flesh started, but really in the spiritual relm it's always raging. As I write I am reminded of the battle I face daily in my mind. The Devil has used things that have happened in my past to steal my sanity at times and take me down the road of depression and lack of self confidence ultimately effecting myself and my realtionships with people, mainly my spouse. In fasting I know that the God I love so dearly with all my heart is going to release back to me the authority I have willingly let satin steal from me. I know it is not His will that I stay on the path I have been on and I surrender all to Him. I am one to try and fix things on my own, in my mind I am the one who can do it if I try really hard. In this if I fail it is my fault and no one elses. I have been trying to do things on my own for years now and have gotten No WHERE! I have been in ER's over and over thinking I am having a heart attack due to stress...I am sick of it, I know that I can get me no where. I don't understand why in certian situations I can have complete faith in God and others I lack it & let things eat me up & feel like I can handle the situations on my own. I am tired of the garbidge in my life and family...I want the Lord to empty me of all the trash I have in me, my family & my life...
This morning it was hard to get out of bed. 1st thing I took a shower and tried to avoid the kitchen as long as I could. Though before leaving for church the kids wanted to fix a sandwitch to take for after service. As I opened the refridgeratior I could feel the salavia get think in my mouth, but I was o.k. and made it through the sandwitch making. I had a glass of water and sat quitely during our one hour ride to Free Chapel. Service was wonderful as usual. It's always helpful to know thier are lots of people experiencing the same thing as you at the same time, so in being there knowing most others were fasting made the 2nd meal of the day easier to get through. I had an orange juice on the ride home and took a nap upon arrival. When I woke up it was like a roaring lion who hadn't eaten in days...I was ill and hungry, I knew it was comming upon the last meal of the day & I wouldn't be getting it, but still have to make it for the kids. For me that is the hardest part of this fast. Being the cook for the kids. I remember last year having such a tough time, but it was worth it. I would do it again, which is why I am. I would say that this will become something our family does every year from now own.
In our fasting journal we are reminded...pray and stay in God's word, drink lots of water, expect(headaches, hunger pangs, and cravings for food, sugar, & caffine), and to play praise and worship music as much as possible. Part of the fast is to be careful what you let in your mind(TV, music, thoughts) and body, and also to refrain from speaking negatively or gossiping about anyone. The journal also asks what our personal reasons for fasting are & asks if we desire a sensitivity to the things of God, and as I stated in yesterdays entry I want to get closer to the Lord, knowing Him on a higher more intimate level. I want to hear His voice in all I do & know His will. I want 2b sensitive to Him & be obedient. I want all the trash taken out of me and my home...anything that is not of Him out, gone...I want my edge back, I want back everthing the devil has stolen from me & even past family members, I am crying out for justice. Today in our journal we are ask to make a spiritual "hit list"..and keep praying for these people in our lives during the fast.
As the day draws to an end as I am writing and slowly sipping & enjoying my broth, I come to see and realize the good fight of faith isn't easy. It's a choice, to go against the current and not care what people say about you. It's about staying true to what you know beacuse the Lord has revealed it to you. It's not about fitting in anymore...we aren't in highschool anymore. It's about being dramaticaly different and not fitting in to the world and all it's doing...it's about staying true to God and knowing without a doubt that he loves us and has no desire to harm us, but above all to see us prosper and be in good health, even as our soul prospers(3 Jn. 1 &2). I want change, major change in my life & I am trusting the only one who can get it done to do it...my Lord & Savior Jesus Christ...the Great Physician, Wonderful, Mighty, Counselor....
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Today is Jan. 8, 2011. The day before our 21 day corp. church fast begins. I am commiting to fast from 1/9/11 to 2/17/11. This year I have decided to do the 21 day fast & follow through with a 40 day fast. I am seeking God's will for our family. I also want to have a closer more intimate relationship with the Lord and know Him and recieve His knowledge, understanding & wisdom. I want to clearly hear His voice & be obedient.
For the 1st 4 days I will only consume water and broth, the following 17 days I will do the Daniel fast, which is no bread, pasta, sweets-caffine, or meat(only eating veg & fruit). Then for the following 19 days I will contenue with the Daniel fast & gradually add meat toward the end of totaling 40 days.
With this fast I will be seeking a closer more intimate relationship with the Lord. I want to know Him, not just know His Word or what it says. I want to know Him and clearly hear and know His will for me.
Last year Michael & I joined the 2010 Fasting Movement at Free Chapel & experienced big changes and miracles. This year we are expecting nothing short of last year...the best outcome of last years fast happened on the very last day of the fast, when our 8 yr. old Aly was saved/born again. Praise the Lord! And this year she and Eli our 5 yr. old have decided on thier own, to join us in fasting this year. Aly(9) has decided to restrain from eating meat & drinking milk(her favorite drink) for 10 days & then for the remainder 11 days no sweets or cafinated drinks. Eli, our little monkey...has started out at 5 yrs of age with going 3 days with out any CHIPS(one of his favs.).
I would like to invite you on this very personal journey with me and my family...each day I will make a bolg entry. Stating what I feel like and what I/we are experiencing on this incredible journey in our lives as God speaks to us.
For the 1st 4 days I will only consume water and broth, the following 17 days I will do the Daniel fast, which is no bread, pasta, sweets-caffine, or meat(only eating veg & fruit). Then for the following 19 days I will contenue with the Daniel fast & gradually add meat toward the end of totaling 40 days.
With this fast I will be seeking a closer more intimate relationship with the Lord. I want to know Him, not just know His Word or what it says. I want to know Him and clearly hear and know His will for me.
Last year Michael & I joined the 2010 Fasting Movement at Free Chapel & experienced big changes and miracles. This year we are expecting nothing short of last year...the best outcome of last years fast happened on the very last day of the fast, when our 8 yr. old Aly was saved/born again. Praise the Lord! And this year she and Eli our 5 yr. old have decided on thier own, to join us in fasting this year. Aly(9) has decided to restrain from eating meat & drinking milk(her favorite drink) for 10 days & then for the remainder 11 days no sweets or cafinated drinks. Eli, our little monkey...has started out at 5 yrs of age with going 3 days with out any CHIPS(one of his favs.).
I would like to invite you on this very personal journey with me and my family...each day I will make a bolg entry. Stating what I feel like and what I/we are experiencing on this incredible journey in our lives as God speaks to us.
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