The Kids camping on the porch.
Our 4th of July Lolli Cakes
Jasper fireworks
School room
flower planting
Frog Hunting
I haven't blogged in a while, so I thought I'd give a little update. We have been busy enjoying our summer off from school. So far we have been hiking, river tubbing, camping on the back deck, been cleaning out the house & rearranging furniture, getting new fish for the pond, picking black berries & making pies, learning to make lolli cakes, cooking out, ate lots of ice cream & popcycles,watched fireworks, organized the school room, gone to the fair, said good bye to a lovely woman in our life (Aunt Orene); learned many valuable & life changing lessons from the good Lord, visited the drive inn, hunted frogs & gathered eggs, planted flowers, enjoyed the School of Descipleship, played in waterfalls, taken lots of pictures, climbed trees to save the new kitten, & gone to many yard sales. We are learing to enjoy the small things in life with each other. I am thankful for my family & want to leave them a family legacy far richer than anything money could ever possibly buy.
More summer fun pictures:
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