Monday, February 4, 2013

School of Discipleship

SOD has been such a blessing for me & my family.  I am so grateful for a church that supports the spititual growth of it's members.  I have never experienced anything like this.  I am learning and growing so much in the Lord, finding true identity and freedom(John 8:32).  I can feel myself and life around me effortlessly changing.  This is a direct result of seeking first the kingdom of God and his rightousness(Math. 6:33) & trusting completly in God(Prov. 3:5-7). 

We are often tought as children to live for yourself, you can be anything you want when in essence this is a piece of the truth.  We are suppose to love ourselves and we can be anything we desire, but without God in us and in all we do, we are setting ourselves up for great fall.  I myself have tried so hard to acomplish fixing myslef, my marriage, my family, my health(mental & physical).  In my own strength nothing has worked, I've grown tired, weak...worn out, depressed, over weight, exc.  I am learning to recognize stumbling blocks(Heb.5:14) and fight the good fight of faith(1 Tim. 6:12; 2 Tim. 4:7). In finding my true identity in Christ and building my foundation on Him I am seeing great changes all around me.  I had left my first love(Rev. 2:4), now I am finding my way back.  I now see that "I" have been living mylife in a sefcentered place insted of a God-centered servanthood.  God loved me first, before I was even formed in the womb and he loved so hard he bled and died for me(us all-1 John 4:19).  I without realizing it had turned my back on that love, yet he still loved me(Rom. 5:8).   In seeking God whole heartedly(Luke 9:23; Mark 12:30) I have recently felt that love more than ever, seeking HIM is not a daily religous ritual it is an honor, joy and great privlidge. 

I urge everyone to ask the Lord to enter & search thier heart and show you the true way to Him.  He knows our heart, thoughts, intents(Psa. 139:23-24) and only He can lead us into His pure truth.  For Jesus says, "Ask, and it shall be given;  seek, and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened."  Then share what he shows you with the world, be a light(Math.5:14).  Forsake the learned ways of this world and become His disciple(Luke14:33).  Jesus said, "  Come and follow me and I will make you fishers of men."