Ok. so this year I didn't blog my fast daily. It's not that I felt bad talking about fasting, becasue the fast our church does at the same time every year and it is a coprerate fast. Truth is I wasn't feeling it. I started out not looking forward to this years fast...I am usually excited and rearing to go, but not this year. For some reason no part of me wanted to paritcipate in this fast. Yet I knew I had to do it, if not for me for my kids. To be an posative example and show them that seeking the Lord should always be fist in our lives always, no matter how we feel, in every situation. Then I realized maybe this fast was for them...so that my children and generatons after wouldn't have to go through and experience things that I myself & my parents & grandparents have struggled with. When I was shown this things got a little easier. Michael and I had already decided after this fast we were going to make healthier choices in our eating habbits and exersize. After the 1st week I felt as if this could happen for us. Where as before I didn't really feel like we could change our old habbits. Thank the Lord he has given us the strength to make better decisions in our lifestyle. In my weakness, he is my strength...God is so good. No matter how I feel I know he's always with me and all I need is him & water (O: Even if I have no water I still have him and in seven days will be with him. Seriously though this years fast I have learned alot about myself. I don't need all I THINK I need, that goes for food, relationships & THINGS...
I started the fast looking like this...
kept my eyes on:
Now walls are down and there are no limits...freedom is in the air!!