With that being said I am learning to enjoy life to it's fullest through my Savior. True happiness, true self & peace comes only from the Lord...it's not a feeling on the inside, it's not in getting something I want or my way, it's not getting away from the darkness in this world or the people who make it that way, it's not chasing after some dream, it's not life without problems or chaos, because life isn't like television or a soap opera...and perfection isn't real. True happiness, self & peace is only found in and through Christ. Allowing the Lord total axcess to ALL your being and letting Him clean your house is the way to true happiness and a true you. I have never been able to enjoy life and do it so freely, until I gave HIM my all...nothing compares to Christ.
{For, if someone or something controls how you feel that is your GOD...it owns you! It is time for Christians to fall in love with the Lord totally and give him all they've got. For he is the only one who deserves all of ones self & He is the only one who can completely satisfy and meet all our needs to the extent of our expectations & will never let us down. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, Prov. 3:5-7}
In saying that here are some images of our family on a hike learing to love and enjoy life the way God intends for us!Me & the kiddos
Michael, Aly & Tink
Micehal & I
Me doing what I do...LOVE capturing God's beauty.
Michael & Eli