Friday, October 1, 2010
Loving the family time...
Our most recent addition to the family would be a pond of fish that our kiddos love. Every day we feed them & are working on a dock so we can enjoy them even more. It will be so peaceful to sit and watch the kids feed the fish from it. It's nice from the back deck, but nothing like being close & waching the kids laugh and enjoy watching God's beauty in nature. Life is good! God is awesome!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Eli is 5
My little man is growing sooo fast. I literally wish I could slow time down for a while. I love my babies. I pray I accomplish in them what the good Lord intended when he gave me the two greatest gifts in the whole wide world. Nothing compares to being a mommy. I wouldn't trade what I get to do for ANY THING in the world. Thank God he has given me such an awesome husband and blessed him with such a wonderful job, so that I can use each day to be with our babies & do the Lord's will in our lives. Words can not discribe how greatful I am. We are so BLESSED! Thank you Lord for all you have done.
Monday, August 30, 2010
We are FINALLY in the new house and mostly unpacked....we love the new location and wildlife here. We will be redecorating and posting some pics as we go along. Recently we have started our Abeka Home School program and are really enjoying the time together we get to spend. Thank you Lord for allowing me to be a stay at home mother & wife.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Our scare....
Thanks to everyone who has had us in your prayers. Eli was diagnosed with pnemonia May 14, 2010 at Scottish Rite. We stayed till May 16th and now thanks to all the prayers, Dr's, nurses and the good Lord he is feeling much better. For anyone who doesn't know the story...Eli was taken to the ER in Ellijay(May13) and they diagnosed him with an URI...he was complaining of trouble breathing and saying his heart hurt. That night he woke up crying saying his heart hurt..not just a normal cry, I knew it was serious so I called his peditricain and they said once his fever came down he'd be fine(the fever was making him have pains-this didn't quite sit rite w/ me) the next a.m. he still had a high fever and was throwing up so I took him to the Dr. and they said he had some sort of virus...I was frustrated by this point. Later that day I saw a posting on Face Book about how ticks were really bad this year and that someone's grandbaby had rocky mtn. fever ...this brought back to my memory that Eli had a tick on his head abt 2 wks earlier. I called the Peditricain and they has us go to the ER again this time for a blood test for lyme disease and some other tests. Abt an hour later they called and said we had to bring Eli to the Dr. office that his wt. count was high(suppose to be1 and his was 36 verry high) they weren't sure what was wrong they thought it may be his appendix so they sent us to Scottish Rite for a catscan..with that they found nothing so they drew more blood to make sure the #'s were correct and they were the same as at the ER is Ellijay finally they did a chest x-ray found it... pnemonia! So we stayed a while in Scottish Rite and I thank God that I was remined of the tick, the good Lord knows just how to do things. I am thankful that we have such an awesome God!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Aly's 9
Saturday, January 23, 2010
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