I went to the eye Dr. today, along with my grandmother and our little man, Eli. I have been seeing a small transparent grey spot every now and then, except recently it has been more frequent. So we decided to get an exam. To all that don't know me I am what they call a worry wart. I know to cast my cares upon the Lord, but that doesn't keep the devil from attacking your mind now does it....every aweful disease or possible negative outcome surfaced in my mind. But that doesn't matter because I know who my provider is and I know that my God will take care of my every need, no matter what! Come to find out I have what is called a floater...I know sounds corney. These little guys can be caused by eye injuries, certin diseases & of coarse old age or sometimes during fetal development( then they are caused by small flakes of protien or other matter getting trapped in the vitreous as the eye is developing. They remain in the vitreous after birth, resulting in floaters in your line of sight.) Floaters are usually harmless and rarely limit vision.
Needless to say today I am learning to be very thankful for the little things in life along with the large-the food in my freezer; even though I don't have an ice maker, the water in my well, the roof over my head, my vehicle,my beating heart, my health and my families health, our jobs, being able to walk, see, hear, taste and smell; everything good and bad I have to be thankful for I am, because the great I AM is all I need and will supply all my needs according to his riches and glory. I AM thankful for God, Jesus & the Holy Spirit....God's greatest gifts to us. I am just feeling very blessed and thankful today. Each day is a gift and we tend to take advantage of each one. God is love and each additional day he does't return is proof of his mercy for us all. Thank God for floaters....
Oh and Eli had to get him some little glasses today, he is such a doll. I will have to post a picture soon. I am grateful for the great I AM! God Bless!